The utility model relates to an organic waste gas treatment equipment, which comprises a plurality of adsorption and desorption towers, vacuum pumps, catalytic combustion furnaces and exhaust cylinders. The bottom and top parts of the adsorption and desorption towers have exhaust gas inlets and exhaust gas outlets respectively, and the exhaust gas inlets and exhaust gas outlets of the adsorption and desorption towers are connected side by side through pipelines, and the top part of the adsorption and desorption towers is connected by side. There is also a desorption outlet, which is connected with the inlet of the catalytic combustion furnace through a pipeline through a vacuum pump. The upper part of the side wall of the adsorption and desorption tower and the lower part of the side wall are separately provided with an outlet of heating medium and an inlet of heating medium. The outlet of the catalytic combustion furnace is connected to the exhaust cylinder and the heating medium of the adsorption and desorption tower through a pipeline, respectively. At the inlet, the heating medium outlet of the adsorption and desorption tower is connected with the inlet of the catalytic combustion furnace through a pipeline. The invention adopts vacuum assistant technology, reduces the desorption temperature, adjusts the desorption temperature to 20 ~100 C, increases the desorption safety, improves the desorption efficiency, and reduces the operation cost.
随着我国经济的不断发展和产业结构的深度调整,清洁生产已经成为一种深入人心的发展理念。我们看到,近几年我国在不断加大环境整治,特别是工业废气的整治和投入力度,并取得了显著的成果。当前,在很多行业都需要使用到有机溶剂,且会产生一定的挥发性有机物(VOCs)废气。例如,家具制造、金属加工、汽车生产与维修、生物化工等各类企业,废气治理可选择的工艺及配套的设备也比较多,但由于受投资运行成本、生产现状等综合因素的影响,各个行业选择使用的工艺也不同。现有吸附剂一般都具有较高的比表面积、吸附容量大、吸附效率高、对多种污染物均具有吸附能力等特点,吸附法处理废气具有投资成本低、工艺简单成熟、工程施工容易的优势,因此吸附法在废气治理中具有很高的使用比例。但吸附剂使用一定期限后,就会达到吸附饱和并失去吸附能力,为了使设备具有持续的吸附能力,企业可以安装原位脱附设备,或者更换新活性炭。而更换下来的活性炭属于危险废弃物,贮存和处理成本较大,而且还会造成资源的浪费。所以,我国鼓励生产企业使用原位脱附技术,以解决上述问题。但当前主流脱附技术还存在一定的问题,限制了原位脱附的应用,如:1、热空气脱附法,由于考虑到安全的问题,在应用时脱附温度一般都比较低(通常小于100℃),在脱附沸点较高的有机物时,脱附时间较长、脱附效率低,导致吸附剂循环寿命较低。2、蒸汽脱附法,脱附后吸附剂还需要干燥,脱附周期长,设备复杂,流程繁琐,脱附废气只能选择冷凝的方式回收,而且会有废水和危废的产生。3、热氮气脱 ...