The utility model provides a comfortable sports sole with moisture absorption function, wherein the sports sole comprises elastic silica gel strips, several rigid support strips and moisture absorption filling strips, and the toe part of the sports sole is provided with a fan-shaped caisson, and an arc-shaped caisson is formed in the middle position of the straight edge of the fan-shaped caisson, and the elastic silk strip is provided with an arc-shaped caisson. The force silica gel strip is embedded in the arc caisson and matches the shape of the arc caisson. Several hard support strips are arranged along the arc edge of the sector caisson to separate several strip caissons. The moisture absorption filling strip is embedded in the arc caisson and matches the shape of the hard support strip. Compared with the prior art, the new type of toe part has good moisture absorption, sweat absorption, shock absorption and power assistance by arranging hard support strip and moisture absorption filling strip at the toe part, and improving toe comfort through the organic coordination of elastic silica gel strip, hard support strip and moisture absorption filling strip.
本技术的目的在于提供一种具有吸湿功能的舒适性运动鞋底,满足实际所需的吸湿排汗、减震柔软的需求,且兼具一定的支撑性,有效防止前脚掌扭伤。本技术是这样实现的:提供一种具有吸湿功能的舒适性运动鞋底,其中,所述运动鞋底包括弹力硅胶条,若干条硬质支撑条以及吸湿填充条,所述运动鞋底的脚趾部位设有扇形沉槽,于该扇形沉槽直边的中间位置形成有弧状沉槽,所述弹力硅胶条嵌设固定在该弧状沉槽内并与弧状沉槽的形状相匹配,沿扇形沉槽的弧边间隔排列若干条硬质支撑条以隔出若干个条状沉槽,所述吸湿填充条嵌设固定在该条状沉槽内并与硬质支撑条的形状相匹配;所述运动鞋底的前掌部位和后掌部位的下表面开设有沿运动鞋底左右方向延伸的若干条切缝,该若干条切缝沿运动鞋底的前后方向间隔排列。进一步地,所述运动鞋底还包括沿鞋底左右方向延伸的若干个透气减震孔,透气减震孔与切缝一一匹配设置,该透气减震孔在鞋底前后方向的截面呈弧面,弧面的圆心与切缝抵接。进一步地,所述运动鞋底还包括沿鞋底 ...