The invention belongs to the technical field of sealing rings. Specifically, it is a KY type sealing ring for shaft, including the main body, the main body is cylindrical, the base body is sleeved on the base shaft, the main body and the base are coaxially arranged, the main body is located in the interior of the base, the outer side of the main body is connected with the inside of the base, including the moving unit, the water inlet unit and the moving unit. Located on the main body, the movable unit is used to make the sealing ring move; the water inlet unit is set in the main body, and the water inlet unit is used to inject liquid into the sealing ring to realize the sealing function. When the liquid enters the circular groove inside the main body, it flows into the No. 1 groove through the water inlet pipe. The rack moves to the left while pushing the liquid to the left. The spring is compressed and the spring is twisted. Because the gear and the movable bar mesh with each other, the gear rotates, the pulling rope shortens, and the main body is tightened with the inner wall of the base body under the action of the pulling rope. Closely bonded, the liquid continues to enter the trapezoidal groove to form pressure to squeeze the main body on the base shaft to improve the sealing effect.
机械密封是指由至少一对垂直于旋转轴线的端面在流体压力和补偿机构弹力或磁力的作用下以及辅助密封的配合下保持贴合并相对滑动而构成的防止流体泄漏的装置。机械密封是一种旋转机械的轴封装置。比如离心泵、离心机、反应釜和压缩机等设备。由于传动轴贯穿在设备内外,这样,轴与设备之间存在一个圆周间隙,设备中的介质通过该间隙向外泄漏,如果设备内压力低于大气压,则空气向设备内泄漏,因此必须有一个阻止泄漏的轴封装置。轴封的种类很多,由于机械密封具有泄漏量少和寿命长等优点,所以世界上机械密封是在这些设备最主要的轴密封方式。机械密封又叫端面密封,在国家有关标准中是这样定义的:由至少一对垂直于旋转轴线的端面在流体压力和补偿机构弹力或磁力的作用以及辅助密封的配合下保持贴合并相对滑动而构成的防止流体泄漏的装置。V形密封圈截面为V形,也是一种唇形密封圈。V形密封圈装置由支撑环、密封圈、压环三个部件组成。V形密封圈的标准夹角为90°,特殊场合也用到60°。支承环是支承V形密封圈的重要部件,其断面厚而结实、尺寸精确、凹形角和V形密封圈相同(90°)或稍大,使密封圈安放稳定。机械密封等设备由于长时间大扭矩机械运动,齿轮箱啮合间隙变大,造成较大的噪音及设备振动。加之密封部位长期处于高速、高温状态下运行,密封部位渗漏液体的情况时有发生。专利文献:一种用于密封液体的磁性液体密封装置,申请号:201410022967上述专利文献中,通过将磁性液体密封布置在端面,在被封液体与磁性液体接触面上两种液体的相对速度几乎 ...