The present application discloses a compression sock, the ankle sock body area of which is obtained by braiding according to the ankle concavity and convexity of the human body and following the law of human hemodynamics, including the sock body area of the first ankle that is attached to the ankle protrusion and the sock body area of the first ankle that is combined with the ankle concavity and is pressurized. Second ankle socks area. The sock body area corresponding to the depressed ankle bone in this application is joined to the depressed ankle bone and pressurized. The compression sock can effectively increase the pressure on the depressed ankle bone, so that the actual pressure distribution law is more in line with the pressure distribution law which decreases from the distal end of the heart to the proximal end of the heart. In addition, the sock body area corresponding to the posterior gastrocnemius muscle of the human calf is also increased in size and decompressed, so that the actual pressure distribution of the posterior gastrocnemius muscle of the human calf is more consistent with the pressure distribution from the distal end of the heart to the proximal end of the heart.
压缩袜,又称压力袜,是一种特殊的纺织品,用于预防及治疗周围血管疾病已有近百年的历史,但一直没有引起广泛关注。近年来随着人们生活观念的改变,其应用领域更加广阔。国际国内对压力袜的需求正呈爆发式增长。压缩袜必须满足人体需求,其压力与压力分布是压力袜产品最重要的性能指标,如果压缩袜的压力与压力分布不正确,则穿着压缩袜不仅起不到保健以及医疗辅助作用,反而可能会引起多方面的问题。压缩袜产品的压力与压力分布必须根据医学原理以及人体需求确定,并且符合相应的行业标准,压力分布要呈由心脏远端向心脏近端递减的压力分布。只有符合行业标准的压缩袜产品才是合格的产品。目前我国压缩袜的压力与压力分布执行的是医药行业标准YY/T0853—2011。如图1所示,其中,AD为中筒袜,AF为中长筒袜,AG为长筒袜。标准中明确规定了不同部位的压力分布,如表一所示。表一根据中华人民共和国医药行业标准YY/T0853-2011医用静脉曲张压缩袜中规定,中筒压缩袜的的公称测量点包括:踝部的最小周长处(B)、腓肠肌的止点(B1)、小腿的最大周长处(C)、胫骨节的下端(D),如图1所示;压缩袜的压力分布标准如表一所示。压缩袜根据压缩力的大小,可分为多级,压缩力的等级是由施加在脚踝处的压力值确定的,如表二所示。表二目前,在压缩袜产品领域,产品压力控制的通用方法是:采用模拟的柱形腿模,测试不同部位的压力值以判断压力袜的压力与压力分布是否符合行业标准。然而,上述方法存在的问题在于,腿模只考虑对腿部不同部位长度以及围度尺寸的模拟,而没有考虑人 ...