The invention discloses an automatic smoke filter moxibustion apparatus for reinforcing and reducing moxibustion. One or more smoke filter moxibustion apparatus heads are installed on the base through a folding rod. The smoke filter moxibustion apparatus heads include a metal shell, a linear motor installed in the metal shell, a rotating motor, a moxa stick clamping and pushing device and a silent small fan, each of which is used for smoke filter moxibustion. A double-layer concave anti-falling ash net is fixed inside and below the device head, and an anti-scalding skin ring is arranged outside the double-layer concave anti-falling ash net, and each smoke-filtering moxibustion device head is provided with a replaceable partition moxibustion plane metal heat conduction net. The invention can make full use of the heat effect, the medicine effect and the moxa smoke active ingredient produced in the burning of moxa leaves to stimulate the acupoints and meridians, collect the heat effect, the medicine effect and the smoking effect in one, inherit the traditional manual moxibustion and moxibustion method, and retain the smoking effect in the moxibustion to improve the moxibustion effect, and effectively filter out the moxibustion effect. The granules of moxa smoke and the smell of AI are the advantages of the moxibustion apparatus in the market.
市场上热销的各种艾灸仪器在带来方便的同时都存在着严重的不足,其中最重要的是其艾灸手法欠缺,不分症状、体质、无针对性的灸,易烫伤人,灸疗刺激温度远远低于传统灸刺激温度且未实现在享受艾烟熏蒸的同时克服艾烟产生的副作用,这极大的降低了艾灸的疗效,限制了艾灸的推广使用。具体缺点如下:1.手工艾灸:费时费力,易烫伤,灸后烟味较大;2.艾灸盒:适用范围局限,长时间灸会损伤皮肤,艾油难处理,艾烟味大;3.温灸棒:手持费时费力,温度不易调控,艾烟味大;4.随身灸:无烟熏,热效差,药力散发不出来;5.艾灸/柱/烛贴:无烟熏和灸法补泻,热效不够;6.悬灸器:温度不好控制,艾烟味大,无灸法补泻,不便携;7.电子艾灸器:无烟熏和灸法补泻,价格高,不便携;8.无烟艾灸器:无烟熏和灸法补泻,热效不够,价格高,不便携。说到灸,手工灸无疑是最理想的艾灸方法,传统手工艾灸在“虚则补之,实则泻之”的理论指导下,根据经络的五行理论,运用补母泻子的原则,以达到补泻的效果。手工灸通过各种灸疗手法,实时调整艾灸火力和刺激方法,分回旋法、悬定法、雀啄法,针对不同病症采取不同灸法。在灸疗的过程中重复发挥艾灸的热效、药效、烟熏作用,同时通过隔物艾灸大大提高其灸疗效果,手工灸各操作均各有用处,如能用之恰当,则可发挥艾灸的奇效。综上,一款在继承传统手工灸灸疗手法的同时又保留灸疗中烟熏效果以提高艾灸疗效,可有效过滤掉艾烟中的颗粒物质、吸附艾烟中的异味,集现代市场上热销艾灸仪的优点于一身的艾灸仪器的出现成为广大 ...