The utility model relates to the technical field of dust collector dust bucket processing, and discloses a detachable supporting device for welding and finalizing the dust collector ash bucket, which comprises a first, two supporting rods, a first and two fixing sleeves, a first and a second set of fastening rings; a first and a second fixing sleeves are provided with internal threads; a first fixing sleeve and a first fastening ring are welded and fixed in the ash. One set of diagonal lines at the bucket mouth, the second fixing sleeve and the second set of buckle rings are welded and fixed on the other set of diagonal lines; the middle part of the first supporting rod is provided with a perforation, whose shape and size correspond to the cross section of the second supporting rod; one end of the first and second supporting rods can be tightened with the internal threads of the first and second fixing sleeves; the first and second sets of fastening rings The annular size is corresponding to the cross section size of the first, second supporting rods respectively. The detachable design of the utility model is convenient and saves materials. There is an interaction force between the two supporting rods at the perforation point, and three fixed action points are formed on the same diagonal line. Even if the utility model is used for a large-scale ash bucket with a large span, the solid support can be maintained.
除尘灰斗设计成正方形或近似正方形为宜。外壁有环向加劲,用槽钢或角钢制作。环向加劲之间还有竖向加劲,用角钢或扁钢制作,斗壁薄则加劲密,斗壁厚加劲可以稀些。一般灰斗壁板上口的直段较小,下面的斜壁很长,而且是悬空的,要考虑其刚度,过长时可将灰斗分节,以利于制造、运输、安装,节与节之间用法兰连接,法兰可用角钢制作。除尘器灰斗的斜壁与地面的夹角通常要大于斗内散状体的自然休止角。灰斗与下部钢架的立柱,可以有各种连接方法,有的立柱顶四周设大梁,灰斗上口的壁板直接焊在大梁上,有的灰斗上口四角设支座,直接座在柱头上。这种灰斗上口四周壁板要加强也做成梁式,上承滤袋箱体重,下承灰斗中的灰重,这种结构形式一般用在上部箱体较轻的除尘设备中。除尘灰斗尺寸较大时,斗内应设导流板,即进入灰斗上部的带尘气体通过导流板使之较均匀的进入滤袋式箱体或布袋中,导流板结构增加了灰斗内的焊接量。可见除尘器的灰斗在加工过程中需要大量的焊接,焊接结束后需要静置定型,在此过程中为了防止灰斗走形,通常会在灰斗口处加上支撑杆。图1为传统灰斗及焊接支撑装置,如图所示,目前普遍的做法是在对角线处焊接两根相交的支撑杆,待灰斗支撑定型后再割除。然而这种做法存在着问题,在定型后拆除支撑杆时,两端焊点割除,但是两根支撑杆两端两根相交的支撑杆中间相交处处理起来比较为难:(1)如果相交处不焊接,仅将支撑杆两端与灰斗口对角线两端焊接,同一对角线上只有两个端点会产生固定作用力,导致中间相交处 ...