The inner wall of the tire is fixed and connected with a shock absorber, and the inner wall of the shock absorber is provided with a groove, and the inner wall of the shock absorber is fixed and connected with a ring, and the inner wall of the ring is fixed and connected with a spoke, and the spoke is fixed and connected with a steel ring at one end away from the ring. The inner wall of the steel ring is fixedly connected with a second shock absorber; the first shock absorber comprises a first connecting plate, a second connecting plate and a third connecting plate; the bottom of the first connecting plate is fixedly connected with the inner wall of the outer tyre; the top of the third connecting plate is fixedly connected with the car ring; the two sides of the top of the first connecting plate and the two sides of the bottom of the second connecting plate are fixedly connected; A telescopic tube device is fixed between the two sides of the top of the second connecting plate and the bottom of the third connecting plate. A spring is fixed between the top of the first connecting plate and the bottom of the second connecting plate, and the top of the second connecting plate and the bottom of the third connecting plate are fixed and connected. There is a spring.
自行车,又称脚踏车或单车,通常是二轮的小型陆上车辆,人骑上车后,以脚踩踏板为动力,是绿色环保的交通工具,作为环保的交通工具用来代步、出行;越来越多的人将自行车作为健身器材用来骑行锻炼、自行车出游;自行车本身也是一项体育竞技运动,有公路自行车赛、山地自行车赛、场地自行车赛、特技自行车比赛等,自行车在市场中保有量大,每年有很大的需求,自行车是传统产业,具有100多年的历史,由于环保以及交通的问题,自行车再度成为世界各国特别是发达国家居民喜爱的交通、健身工具,世界自行车行业的重心正从传统的代步型交通工具向运动型、山地型、休闲型转变,在美、欧、日等发达国家,自行车是一种较普遍的运动、健身、休闲和娱乐性产品。每年全世界自行车需求量巨大,日本CYCLEPRESS的数据统计显示,全世界自行车需求规模保持在1.06亿台的水平,自行车年交易额约为50亿美元。对于一个自行车来说车轮是非常重要的组成部件,车轮质量的好坏直接影响到自行车的质量,一般的自行车由轮圈、轮胎、辐条结合形成车轮,当骑乘者骑乘自行车于路上时,由于路面不平,导致车辆颠簸,从而给骑行者带来不适,在山地骑行时,由于路况比较复杂,道路崎岖不停,路面上经常会有深坑,砂粒的存在,这就会给自行车的车轮带来巨大的振动,剧烈的颠簸带来的强力碰撞,令车轮产生疲劳,导致车轮内部产生裂纹,会给骑乘者带来巨大危险。专利技术创造内容(一)解决的技术问题针对现有技术的不足,本专利技术创造提供了一种防止剧烈震动的车轮胎,解决了剧烈的颠簸 ...