The utility model discloses a sandwich cover cup structure, which comprises an upper support and a lower support. The lower support is arranged at the bottom of the upper support, and the bottom end of the lower support is provided with a latex lower stroke position. The top end of the lower support is provided with a shoulder strap, the side of the lower support is provided with a rear tape, and the middle position of the upper support and the side of the lower support is provided with a shoulder strap. The lower support and the rear ribbon are fixedly connected with the shoulder strap, and the upper support is composed of a double-layer surface cloth and a lining which is embedded in the inner part of the watch cloth and is bonded with the watch cloth. The lining is composed of moisture absorption and sweating yarn and foam cotton, and the foam cotton is embedded in the moisture absorption and sweating removing cloth. The inner part of the yarn is fixed with the moisture absorption and perspiration removing yarn. The sandwich cup has the advantages of practicability and comfort, comprehensive function, beautiful appearance and broad market prospect and application prospect.
罩杯是女性使用的内衣之一,又称文胸,功能是用以遮蔽及支撑乳房。女性的乳房大部分是脂肪组织,有一些韧带与皮肤提供内部支撑。但是这些支撑有时候不够支撑乳房(特别是对年长女性来说)或是不让乳房移动,因此造成疼痛不适。穿胸罩的主要原因,就是提供乳房外部支撑,增加舒适性与活动力。胸罩型号是由胸罩尺寸和罩杯尺寸两部分构成的。通常所说的女性胸围,是指沿女性乳头绕胸一周的长度。胸罩尺寸指女性下胸围,即沿女性乳根绕胸一周的长度。罩杯尺寸是指女性的胸围减去下胸围的差。经检索,专利号为CN200920105544.9的专利公开了一种复合型三明治透气罩杯,结构包括:一内层表布,采用吸湿排汗纱为原料;一中间层立纱纤维,为直立织制型态组织;一外层表布,采用三角亮光的聚酯纤维纱为原料,其采用双层复合型结构,里罩杯为带有透气孔的丝棉或泡绵材质,里罩杯表面贴覆有三明治材质的表罩杯,里罩杯可完全贴胸型,提供最佳的衬托、集中胸型的功能,并且里罩杯具有透气功效,不会给胸部增加额外的负担和束缚感,克服了现有三明治罩杯的缺点和不足,并且表罩杯和里罩杯形之间形成隆起的中空内腔,由于中空内腔的可塑性,里罩杯质地轻薄,故能很好的包覆和衬托胸部,表罩杯具有很好的定型效果,塑造出完美胸型。然而分析发现,现有的三明治结构罩杯多数采用带钢圈或无钢圈设计,带钢圈的罩杯在佩戴时舒适度不佳,且容易戳破表布,缩减罩杯的使用周期,无钢圈设计的罩杯虽然在舒适度上较佳,然而对胸部的衬托力不足,虽然目前市面存在利用乳胶材质制成的罩杯,在可以满足罩杯 ...