The invention relates to a heat pipe type ventilation and heat recovery device, which belongs to the technical field of ventilating equipment. When the indoor air is dirty and the pollutant concentration is high, the indoor exhaust fan is started, the indoor air is made to the heat recovery core body, and then the outdoor exhaust fan is started to make the outdoor air flow to supply fresh air to the indoor. The cold and hot fluid circulates through the exhaust passage and the air inlet passage to form a supplementary and exhaust air cycle, and several supplementary and exhaust air cycles are carried out. After the period, when the indoor pollutant concentration drops to a certain value, the fan is stopped. The invention promotes the popularization of energy-saving and consumption-reducing devices and meets the requirements of comfort, energy-saving and intellectualization; the whole machine is installed on the indoor wall, which does not affect the appearance of the room, does not affect the drawing of curtains, has low cost, can automatically adjust, occupies less space, has simple structure, is convenient to operate, and avoids outdoor dust and noise pollution. To improve indoor air quality and achieve energy saving purposes.
从20世纪70年代初世界能源危机以来,一些工业发达国家将空气的热回收技术作为空调行业的节能措施之一得到较为广泛的应用。我国从1979年也开始研制显热和全热交换器。目前小型的通风换气节能装置在国外得到一定的应用,但应用亦不甚广泛。在国内只是在一些外资的工业和民用通条工程中使用,还没在暖通空调系统中得到广泛的应用。近几年,通风换气机在国内逐步得到应用,用于无通风的小型柜式或分体式空调机的非住宅中,而住宅用通风换气机是根据住宅空间较小,室内的人员有限,相应的通风换气量小的特点研制设计的,体积小,重量轻,使用方便,得到一定应用。但在应用中存在一些问题,制约了其进一步的发展。但其在节能环保领域的优势,必将带来可观的经济效益和良好的社会效益,前景必然是乐观的。但是目前国内外的通风换气设备热交换效率偏低,难以做到恒温换气。长时间的开机将使室温改变过大,室内无舒适感可言。其次,现有的换气设备破坏了房屋的格局,影响建筑物的外观,安装也较为麻烦。最后,现有的换气设备功能单一,只能做到通风换气,对室内空气不能进行任何调节。热管是一种新型、高效的传热元件,它可将大量热量通过其很小的截面积远距离地传输而无需外加动力。热管换热技术具备优良的热传导性能、二次间壁换热、热流密度可调节等普通换热技术所不具备的优越性能,因而在工业换热和回收节能等方面获得广泛的应用,在冶金、化工、建材、动力等行业有许多应用实例。由于热管结构形式和运行条件千差万别,热管在建筑节能上的应用不能简单套用以工业 ...