A new type of energy battery includes silicon wafer, collector and antireflective film stacked in turn, antireflective film with a number of transverse fine grid lines and a number of vertical fine grid lines on the upper surface, a number of transverse fine grid lines and a number of vertical fine grid lines crossed to form a grid, antireflective film on the surface of the main grid line, antireflective film under the table The main grid lines on the back side, the front main grid lines and the back main grid lines are set at the edge of the anti-reflection film, and the number of the front main grid lines is larger than the number of the back main grid lines. By setting the fine grid wire, the front main grid wire and the back main grid wire at the same time, the current generated by the solar cell sheet can be transferred from the fine grid wire to the front main grid wire and the back main grid wire. The electric energy loss on the electrode is small, and the utilization ratio of the solar cell sheet is improved. At the same time, the reflective light can be reflected many times in the pores by setting a number of micropores on the surface of the single crystal silicon wafer of the battery, so as to make full use of the reflective light and improve the efficiency of the new energy battery.
太阳能电池是一种将太阳能转换为电能的器件。按照使用材料的不同,分为硅基太阳能电池、化合物半导体太阳能电池以及聚合物材料电池等等。无论哪种材料,只要其折射率与空气的折射率不匹配,太阳光照射在其表面时,就会形成反射,如果反射光不被加以利用,就只有部分光能被材料吸收,导致太阳能不能得以充分利用,这个参数反映到太阳能电池本身,就是太阳能电池的效率低。为了减小这种损失,早在上个世纪,就有研究机构在晶向的硅基太阳能电池表面,通过各向异性的方法,用KOH等碱性腐蚀液制备出倒金子塔(V型槽)的陷光结构,这种倒金字塔结构整齐,排列方向一致,结合适当的减反膜层设计和电极结构,大幅度提高了太阳能电池的效率(约提高24.7%),但这种陷光结构的需要掩膜进行图形化,制作成本较高。最近美国的麻省理工(MIT)等研究机构试图通过在硅片表面通过干涉曝光一种无掩膜的图形化方法来形成单元面积更小的倒金字塔结构,这种方法同样需要经过涂胶、曝光和光刻这些工序,也存在工艺复杂成本高的问题。如何以较简单的方式形成能充分利用反射光的晶体硅太阳能电池是个需要解决的问题。背接触电池常用的封装方法有以下几种:1)同一种电池通过回绕式焊接条焊接进行封装,缺点为一点需要多次焊接,工艺耗时,如图1所示。2)采用背电路板封装,其由外层聚合物、中间层导电金属箔、内部层介电薄膜组成,在内部介电薄膜中间开出小孔露出导电金属箔,从而封装后使得背板的导电金属箔与电池的背面导电极列连接,达到欧姆接触。但是,导电背板的 ...