The utility model belongs to the field of electronic products, in particular to a multi-functional mobile phone case, which is divided into the back surface of the mobile phone case, the side surface of the mobile phone case and the edge of the mobile phone case. A plurality of light guide wires are arranged in the mobile phone case, the outer end of the light guide wire is on the outer surface of the mobile phone case, the inner end is on the lower surface of the mobile phone case edge and contacts with the screen edge. The light on the edge of the screen is transmitted to the back of the mobile phone shell or the side of the mobile phone shell to form a secondary screen. The mobile phone case of the utility model adopts a light guide wire to guide the light from the edge part of the screen covered by the mobile phone case to the back of the mobile phone case, and forms a sub-screen on the back of the mobile phone case. The structure of the ink screen or sub-screen on the back of the mobile phone is simpler and lower than that of the traditional mobile phone business, and the sub-screen power can be realized on all types of mobile phones. A conductive wire is arranged beside the light guide wire to transmit the electric current from the back of the mobile phone case to the edge of the screen, so as to realize the functions of touch operation or gesture operation, and also has the functions of protecting the mobile phone and button operation, and a multi-purpose shell.
全面屏是手机业界对于超高屏占比手机设计的一个比较宽泛的定义。从字面上解释就是手机的正面全部都是屏幕,手机的四个边框位置都是采用无边框设计,追求接近100%的屏占比。但由于受限于目前的技术,业界宣称的全面屏手机暂时只是超高屏占比的手机,没有能做到手机正面屏占比100%的手机。现在业内所说的全面屏手机是指真实屏占比(非官方宣传)可以达到80%以上,拥有超窄边框设计的手机。全面屏手机正面屏幕非常大,屏幕距离手机边沿越来越近,手机跌落的时候,屏幕也越来越容易碎,而且全面屏手机的屏幕成本高换屏成本也就高,摔坏屏幕的话损失非常大,大多数用户都会给手机戴个手机壳保护手机,在手机跌落的时候由手机壳先承受冲击,减少碎屏几率。手机壳要稳稳包裹住手机,必须要从手机背面延伸到侧面再包裹住手机正面的边沿,全面屏手机的屏幕大到屏幕挨着边沿的话,手机壳就会覆盖屏幕的边沿部分,导致屏幕边沿无法触摸,损失一部分屏幕,但是不带手机壳的话又无法保护手机。现在全面屏之所以无法达到100%屏占比,除了屏幕技术的制约,还因为手机正面还需要布置听筒、传感器和前置摄像头,其中听筒可以设计为一条缝或者小孔进行隐藏,传感器也可以设计成屏下传感器进行隐藏,最主要是前置摄像头无法隐藏,而前置摄像头最主要的作用是自拍取景,无法取消。现在手机同质化严重,为了将手机特质化,有些手机厂商在手机背面设计墨水屏或者副屏,实现简单的显示功能和一部分的操作功能,但是这种设计成本非常高,制造成本也很高,同时正反双屏的设计也会使手机厚度大大增加,握感变 ...