The invention relates to the technical field of medical appliances, in particular to a chain rail type arc distractor. The invention provides a chain-rail type arc stretcher, which comprises a guide rail with a guide groove, a straight line part of the guide rail is connected with an arc part, a guide chain sliding along the arc part is arranged in the guide groove, a guide chain is arranged at both ends of the first and last chain segments, a transfer disc is arranged on the first chain segment and a sliding sleeve with an internal thread. The connecting column is fixed, the sliding sleeve is provided with a threaded shaft, the sliding sleeve is arranged in the casing and slides under the driving of the threaded shaft, the groove of the casing is arranged relative to the guide groove, the casing is fixed on the linear part through the support, the threaded shaft is connected with the afterburner through the universal joint, and the front and rear fixing plates, the front and the rear fixing plates are respectively fixed at the two ends of the linear part. The wings on both sides of the rear fixing plate are fixed on both sides of the straight line, and the length of the arc part and the straight line is 1:1. The invention has the advantages of simple structure, convenient operation, easy control of distraction, and prevention of soft tissue embedding into the guide rail.
现有技术中,由于牵张成骨技术的应用,解决了许多外科常规技术难以矫正的颌面骨畸形及颌骨缺损的修复重建。但是,目前临床应用的绝大多数牵张技术都采用直线牵引,用于修复如下颌骨体部、升支部等简单的直线性骨缺损。而颌面骨在很多部位都呈曲线式连接,直线式牵张器在这些部位,尤其是曲度较明显的下颌骨颏部、下颌角区域等部位难以收到理想的效果。弧形牵张器可以完成直线式骨牵张器所无法完成的任务,实现了牵引方式上的突破,使得牵张成骨技术能够更深入,更全面的发挥其效能。但弧形牵张器无论设计,还是制作的难度都远大于直线式牵张器。目前,弧形牵张器多为外置式,存在体积、重量大,结构复杂,影响患者美观,易于碰撞等缺点。另外,外置式器械因与骨皮质之间存在较大距离而使牵引加力时的大部分牵引力转化为钢钉或骨钉的弯曲力矩,并非完全转化为断端间的牵引距离,易造成牵引刻度与设计骨延长量之间的较大差距。更为严重的是,牵引时,容易引起局部水肿、感染,损伤面神经及牵引后面部遗留疤痕,牵引量愈大,此现象愈明显。内置式的弧形牵张成骨正处于研究之中,而已提出的少数几种牵张器都存在很多不足:2009年Kaban报导的SynthesCMF公司研发的弧形牵张器,为蜗轮传动式结构小巧,为经典的机械方式,方便控制,安全可靠。但是长度有限,无法应用于大范围的弧形缺损区域,且连接万向节的用于穿皮的加力杆随着牵引过程而逐渐向体内推进,因而需要足够长的加力杆,在牵引初期带来操作的不便,而且,有将感染带入体内的风险。2004年Seldin ...
1.一种链轨式弧形牵张器,其特征在于,所述弧形牵张器包括设有导槽(15)的导轨(1),所述导轨(1)的直线部(9)的一端与弧线部(3)连接,所述导槽(15)内设有沿弧线部(3)滑动的导链,所述导链包括分别设置在两端的首节链节(5)和末节链节(21),所述首节链节(5)和末节链节(21)之间通过连接片(6)连接有若干个链节(2),所述首节链节(5)上设有转移盘(4),所述末节链节(21)与设有内螺纹的滑套(17)上的连接柱(19)固定连接,所述滑套(17)内设有螺纹轴(18),所述滑套(17)设置在套管(14)内且在螺纹轴(18)带动下进行滑动,所述套管(14)设有的凹槽(16 )与导槽(15)相对设置,所述套管(14)通过支座(13)固接在直线部(9)上,所述螺纹轴(18)通过万向节(11)与加力杆(12)连接,所述直线部(9)两端分别固接有前固定板(8)和后固定板(10),所述前固定板(8)和后固定板(10)两侧分别设置的翼片(7)固接在直线部(9)两侧,其中,所述导轨(1)的外侧设有保护盖。