The utility model relates to a water intake head suitable for a sediment-laden river, a water intake head box body and a self-flowing water diversion pipe are fixed on a pile foundation, a self-flowing water diversion pipe is extended into the water intake head box body, a slope protection block is arranged at a suitable position on the bank slope of the water intake section at the water intake head, and a bottom protection block is arranged in the water intake head box body and a self-flowing water diversion pipe. The proper range of the lower riverbed; the water intake head tank has a baffle, the front of the water intake window, the bottom of the sand drainage window. The mouth of the artesian water inlet pipe is bell shaped. By adopting the utility model, the sediment-laden river water enters the water intake head box from the water intake window, and the flow velocity is slowed down. Through the baffle plate, the flow path of the water body is increased, the settling time is prolonged, and the majority of the sediment in the water body is settled down. By using the \Bernoulli effect\ of the fluid, the settling sediment is made from the bottom of the water intake head box. The sediment discharge window prevents the sediment-laden river water from flowing into the water intake head box from the sediment discharge window, and greatly reduces the sediment content into the water body of the self-flow diversion pipe.
本技术针对多泥沙河流水中杂质多,容易淤塞自流引水管、加重泵及管道的磨损、加重水处理负担的情况,旨在提供一种原理新颖、技术先进,能大大减少进入自流引水管的水中杂质,减轻自流饮水管的泥沙淤积和堵塞,减少泵及泵后管道的磨损,减轻后续水处理负担的适用于多泥沙河流的取水头部。本技术目的的实现方式为,适用于多泥沙河流的取水头部,取水头部箱体和自流引水管固定在桩基上,自流引水管伸入取水头部箱体内,护坡块石设置于取水头部取水区段岸坡的合适位置,护底块石设置于取水头部箱体和自流引水管的下方河床上的合适范围;取水头部箱体内有隔流板,向河流中央的一侧有取水窗口,底部有排沙底窗。本技术的桩基为取水头部和自流引水管提供支撑,护坡块石防止水流对取水区段的岸坡、河床造成冲刷,维持河床面的稳定,以保持取水头部底面和河床面的距离不变,确保取水头部和河床面间河水具有较大流动速度,使取水头部沉降的泥沙能被水流带走,并能使此区域成为相对负压区,保证取水头部箱体内的水流能从取水头部往河床流出,从而阻止浑浊的河水通过排 ...