Foam flushing type odor-proof toilet. The toilet includes a toilet seat, seat ring, toilet cover and flushing tank. The inside of the toilet seat is provided with a dirt chamber; the upper part of the toilet seat is provided with a flushing chamber, and the flushing chamber is connected with the flushing tank through a flushing pipe, and the flushing pipe is provided with a flushing valve, and the inner wall of the flushing chamber is provided with a flushing hole. A dissolved air tank is connected between the flushing chamber and the flushing tank, and a pressure pump is arranged on the flushing pipe between the flushing tank and the dissolved air tank; a pressure reducing valve is arranged on the dissolved air tank, and the dissolved air tank is connected with a pneumatic compressor through a trachea; a foam water pipe is connected on the flushing pipe between the dissolved air tank and the flushing cavity, and foam water is connected at the end of the foam water pipe. A foam water tank is connected with a foaming device, and a foam control valve is arranged on the foam water pipe. The toilet combines a flushing tank with a foam tank, and the foam produced by the foam tank can float on the water surface inside the toilet seat, thus avoiding the odor from the sewage pipe to a certain extent.
本技术的目的是提供一种泡沫冲水型防臭坐便器,采用泡沫水箱与冲水箱相结合的方式,可以有效避免坐便器产生异味。本技术为实现上述目的所采用的技术方案为:泡沫冲水型防臭坐便器,坐便器包括马桶座、铰接在马桶座上的座圈和马桶盖、与马桶座连通的冲水箱,座圈位于马桶座上方,马桶盖位于座圈上方,马桶座的内部设有污物腔体,马桶座的底部设有与污物腔体连通的排污管,马桶座的上部设有冲水腔体,冲水腔体与冲水箱之间通过冲水管连通,冲水管上设有冲水阀,冲水腔体的内壁均布有位于马桶座内部的冲水孔;且冲水腔体与冲水箱之间还连接有溶气罐,且冲水箱与溶气罐之间的冲水管上设有加压泵,冲水阀设在溶气罐与冲水腔体之间的冲水管上;溶气罐上设有减压阀,溶气罐还通过气管连接有气压机;溶气罐与冲水腔体之间的冲水管上还连通有泡沫水管,泡沫水管的末端连通有泡沫水箱,泡沫水箱连接 ...