The invention provides an ecological cover suitable for ventilation and light transmission of small rivers in urban areas. It involves environmental protection technology. The parallel pipe module is set up on both sides of the small river and covers the water surface of the small river. On the parallel pipe module, the transparent tempered sandwich glass plate is covered on both sides of the small river. The transparent tempered sandwich glass plate is arranged on both banks of the small river, in which a support is arranged on one bank of the small river to support the transparent tempered sandwich glass plate, and the other end of the transparent tempered sandwich glass plate is arranged on the Bank of the small river. The invention has the following beneficial effects: the invention provides an ecological sealing device covering a small river for preventing water from being polluted by air permeability and light transmission. By providing hollow cylindrical steel pipe, transparent tempered sandwich glass plate and other structures, the installation and maintenance of the device is convenient, the operation is stable, and the cost is saved. Effective protection of urban river water bodies.
:随着经济的高速发展和城市现代化进程的加快,城市小河道面临越来越多的各类生态环境问题,具体表现为各种固体废弃物阻塞河道、水体水质明显变差、湿生植物生境受损,河道生态环境恶化,河流生态系统受损日益严重;小河道一般为流域内大江大河的支流,具有排涝、汇流、供水等多种生态环境功能,其一般特征有河面较窄、长度较短、水深较浅、数量较多的特点;小河道与人类的发展和生活息息相关,其严重的水污染问题将会直接影响所汇入干流河流的水环境质量,并且分布特征决定了其与城市的发展和人们正常的生产生活息息相关;我国改革开放近40年来,城乡工农业高速发展,增强了综合国力,提高了人民的生活水平,取得的成绩是举世公认的,但各地出现的环境问题则触目惊心,水资源开发远远超过其承载能力,环境保护的投入又极为有限,故造成“有河无水,有水皆污”的严重局面。在此背景下,对于小河道污染治理修复技术的研究是十分必要的;河流污染是指直接或间接排入河流的污染物造成河水水质恶化的现象;目前,城市小河道的水环境污染主要分为外源污染和内源污染,外源污染主要来自于城市河道沿岸的人类生产、活动所产生的点源与面源污染汇入,如河道沿岸的生活污水及工业废水的点源排放污染物汇入,河道沿岸的农田化肥雨水径流及农业水生养殖污水的面源污染汇入等;内源污染一般是由于城市河道的外源污染持续输入,污染物在河道进行不断积累,直到超出了河道原有水环境的承载力与自净能力后,从而导致的河道内原生态平衡体系的破坏现象 ...