The invention provides a turntable tilting glazing device. The glazing motor makes the glazing mechanism move upward, the top rotating cylinder pulls the push rod down, and the bowl blank placed on the conveyor belt moves toward the glaze pool. Then the sucker puts the bowl blank to be glazed on the bracket, and the top rotating cylinder makes the top pin hold the bowl blank through the push rod. Then the turntable is shifted, the glazing motor drives the glazing mechanism downward by a screw, the bowl blank is completely immersed in the glaze water for glazing, and the glazing mechanism moves upward when the glazing is finished, and the rotating rod cylinder rotates the turntable so that the glazing bowl blank is rotated and the glaze water at the bottom of the bowl blank is left out, and then the turntable is shifted to the glaze water at the bottom of the bowl blank. In the position of the sucker 2, the sucker 2 transports the bowl billet to the conveyor belt 2 to complete the glazing process, which can be used in the automatic glazing process in the production of daily-use ceramics, and overcomes the defects of low efficiency, poor glazing quality and low automation existing in the traditional glazing device.
在以往的日用陶瓷生产中,各陶瓷厂家因原材料性能的差异或是各种产品外形的限制原因,施釉工序只能采用手工浸釉的工艺方法进行施釉,手工浸釉生产效率低,同时由于在施釉过程中手指接触坯体,使坯体在施釉后留下手指印,影响坯体的施釉质量。另外,由于釉水中加有多种化工材料,这些化工材料对人体有腐蚀作用,长期手工浸釉对人体有危害。为了提高生产效率,提高产品质量,改善工人生产环境,降低成本等,技术人员在日用陶瓷的生产技术及生产设备上进行着不断的改进。在已有的陶瓷生产技术中,针对陶瓷上釉工序的技术文献有:1、专利文献【公开号:CN202373397U】公开了一种“盘形悬式瓷绝缘子瓷泥坯件头部上釉装置”,该装置包括其上放置倒置瓷泥坯件的可旋转工位平台、为瓷泥坯件的外周表面布釉的头部外周表面浸釉装置、为瓷泥坯件的内表面布釉的头部内孔注釉装置,以及电气控制柜。该装置通过将瓷泥坯件“∩”形头部的倒置安放在旋转平台工位上并借助电气控制旋转360°进程中经二次延时停顿过程以实现了按步骤连续完成瓷泥坯件头部外周表面的上釉工序。该装置自动化程度高,但结构复杂,成本高,并且只能实现对坯件某一局部的上釉而已。2、专利文献【公开号:CN1090834】公开了一种“陶瓷制品的局部表面上釉”,该技术是通过将熔化辐射能施加到所述上釉位置周围的制品表面上的熔融区域从而延缓所述熔融区域的冷却以把接近所述熔融区域的所述制品中产生的热应力限制到小于所述制品的所述表面上的陶瓷材料的断裂应力来实现局部表面上 ...
1.一种转盘式倾转施釉装置, 传送支架一(1)和传送支架二(8)固定于地面上,传送带一(2)和传送带二(7)分别与传送支架一(1)和传送支架二(8)配合安装,在所述传送支架一(1)和传送支架二(8)的上方为吸盘一(3)和吸盘二(6),两者之间为釉池(10),在所述釉池(10)的内部为转盘支座(11),与所述转盘支座(11)连接的为转杆(9),转盘支座(11)上侧安装转盘电机(13)和减速器(14),减速器(14)输出轴端安装小齿轮(15),与小齿轮(15)啮合的为大齿轮(12)安装在转杆(9)下侧,转盘支座(11)的上端连接转盘(5),所述转盘(5)的上侧固定了施釉电机(4),位于转盘(5)下侧与所述施釉电机(4)连接的为碗坯浸釉机构,其特征在于:碗坯浸釉机构包括丝杆(17)、铰耳(18)、推杆(19)、顶针(20)、托架(21)、转座(22)、顶转气缸(23)、滑板(24)、侧板(25)和转杆气缸(26),所述侧板(25)一端固定于转盘(5)的下方,丝杆(17)与施釉电机(4)连接,并且驱动滑板(24)上下移动,所述滑板(24)的一端安装转杆气缸(26),另一端安装转座(22),转座 ...