The utility model belongs to the field of rolling seal, in particular discloses a self-cleaning sealing device for the pull rod of a short-stress rolling mill, including a sealing base and a sealing cover; the sealing base is annular, and a first fixing device is arranged on the sealing base; and the sealing end face of the sealing cover and the sealing base used for matching the sealing is conical or spherical. A first sealing ring is arranged on the sealing end face of the sealing cover; a second sealing ring is arranged on the inner ring face of the sealing cover; at least a group of scrapers are arranged on the outer end face of the sealing cover; and a second fixing device is arranged on the sealing base and the sealing cover. The installation of the sealing base and the sealing cover makes the device simple in structure, convenient in manufacture and use; the two sealing rings at different positions make the effective sealing of the pull rod, and the sealing end face between the sealing base and the sealing cover is conical or spherical, so that the device is not subject to the precision of the roller box processing and installation and the stress state of the pull rod. The impact of the offset; the scraping knife can shave off the dirt on the outside of the pull rod.
目前国内外钢厂所有的轧机为了提高其轧制成品的精度,通常都采取了高刚度的轧制设备,如目前流行的各类短应力轧机。其共同特点为轧制时受力零件尽量少,所受力回路的路径尽量短,以此来提高其受力材料的抗变形能力和增强设备刚性。如今该类设备为了缩小所受应力路径,各家无异例外采用了最直接的高刚度拉杆来承受轧制力,但是由于该拉杆工作时有一段曝露在外,受高温热辐射、渣水尘等强污染环境下,及易出现表面污物堆集结垢引起设备运动卡阻、密封失效等故障。为了改变此情况如今现场采取了各种手段来减轻上述故障,如;1.单纯采用防尘圈的。2采用防护罩加“O”型圈组合密封的。3采用防尘圈加“O”型圈组合密封的。4采用杆外部填充海绵块包裹遮挡及内装加强型的半环密宫、隔环,与传统的防尘圈加“O”型圈组合等。第一种单纯采用防尘圈的简易密封形式,拉杆和轴承座的结合部位只有一道防尘圈,问题是防尘圈只能在理想状态下防尘,还不能起到防水渣、阻止润滑脂外泄的密封作用。第二种采用防护罩加“O”型圈组合密封形式,在拉杆上装一种专用的胶质防护套,轴承座内设有一道O型圈密封,其目的是一定程度上起到了防尘又防水,一道密封能阻止润滑脂外泄的作用。第三种采用防尘圈加“O”型圈组合密封形式,在上防尘圈的基础上内部增加了一道密封圈,其目的是想一定程度上起到了防尘又防水,内部增加了一道密封圈能阻止润滑脂外泄的作用。第四种采用拉杆外部填充海绵块包裹遮挡及内装加强型的半环密宫、隔环,与传统的防尘圈 ...