The invention discloses a heavy calcium carbonate for rare earth separation and saponification and a preparation method thereof. The acid insoluble substance of the heavy calcium carbonate for rare earth separation and saponification is less than 0.5%, the effective calcium content is more than 98.5%, the whiteness is more than 95%, the fineness range D97 is adjustable narrow particle size distribution from 2 to 20 micron, the specific surface area is more than 1.5m2/g, and the oil absorption value is less than 40 mL/100g. The preparation method of the heavy calcium carbonate comprises crushing of raw ore, dry grinding, classification, iron removal, wet grinding, drying, secondary classification, third classification, secondary iron removal and depolymerization. The heavy calcium carbonate for rare earth separation and saponification prepared by the method has the characteristics of high purity, low silicon, low aluminum iron, ultra-fine, large specific surface area and narrow particle size distribution, which can not only solve the problem of excessive ammonia nitrogen and sodium ion content in waste water, but also effectively inhibit the appearance of the third phase at the interface of organic phase and water phase and reduce the size distribution. The loss of organic phase can save production cost and improve the separation efficiency of rare earth, which satisfies the requirements of new rare earth extraction process.
目前,国内普遍采用氨皂化或钠皂化法进行稀土的萃取分离。氨皂化稀土萃取分离工业生产的皂化废水在稀土萃取分离工业排放废水中的比重最高,占到60%~70%,氨皂化废水总量大,容易引起水体富营养化,诱发人体癌变,既浪费了物质资源,又对生态和环境造成了重大的破坏。钠皂法是使用氢氧化钠代替氨水对酸性萃取剂进行皂化,钠皂法虽然消除了氯化铵的污染,但是又产生了氯化钠污染,依然没有从根本上解决皂化废水污染问题,并且钠皂法的生产成本高。因此,所述两种工艺技术都难以实现稀土萃取分离的高效绿色和成本大幅降低等要求。钙皂化萃取分离工艺可替代氨水或液碱对有机物进行皂化,能避免氨氮废水的产生,大大降低生产成本。中国专利CN101121080A提出一种氨-钙复合皂化剂的制备及连续皂化萃取的方法,皂化、萃取过程不产生氨氮废水,可以消除氨氮废水对环境的污染,节省了大量三废处理费用。周洁英等在《稀土萃取有机相的无氨连续皂化试验研究》中的研究表明:使用无氨皂化剂CaCO3皂化有机相皂化值可达0.5mol/L以上,且易分相,流动性好,Ca/RE分离最佳级数可达8级,所得氧化物稀土总量大于99%,Ca和Cl质量分数稳定小于0.05%,皂化成本远低于氨水和氢氧化钠的皂化成本。然而,碳酸钙在稀土皂化中的使用,遇到很多问题,包括:有机相和水相界面容易出现第三相,硅杂质使有机相损失增大,且稀土产物纯度易受碳酸钙中杂质尤其是三价Al3+、Fe3+离子的影响。为了解决所述问题,提高 ...