The utility model provides a medical mask for preventing infectious diseases, which comprises a mask body, a flexible adjusting block, a tie, a nose clip, a warning strip, a power supply, a switch and a buzzer, a one-way air valve, a filter element inlet and outlet, a filter element body, a sterile cotton fabric filter layer, an activated carbon adsorption layer, a HEPA filter layer, a bacteriostatic layer, a drug bag and a hydrophobic layer. Nano-coating, the medical mask of the utility model for preventing infectious diseases, the filter element body and the medicine bag are arranged inside, the physical protective toxic particles are combined with the medicine treatment or health care function, effectively avoiding the harmful virus and bacteria in the air to be absorbed, and the filter element can be replaced, and the buzzer is conveniently arranged. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, convenience and practicality, and can effectively control bacterial and viral infections, ensure the health of medical staff, and prevent cross-infection between patients.
传染病的主要特点是:有确定的病原体,较强的传染性,并在一定条件下可造成流行。传染病流行的过程需要三个基本条件:传染源,传播途径和易感人群,缺乏任何一个要素,都无法造成传染病的流行。控制传染病最高效的方式在于防控,由于在传染病的三个基本条件中,缺乏任何一个都无法造成传染病的流行,所以对于传染病预防也主要集中在这三个方面:控制传染源:这是预防传染病的最有效方式;切断传播途径:对于通过消化道传染病、血液和体液传播的传染病,虫媒传染病和寄生虫病等,切断传播途径是最为直接的预防方式;保护易感人群:保护易感人群也是传染病预防重要组成部分,而且往往是较为容易实现的预防方法。飞沫传染是许多感染原的主要传播途径,由患者咳嗽、打喷嚏、说话时,喷出温暖而潮湿之液滴,病原附着其上,随空气扰动飘散短时间、短距离地在风中漂浮,由下一位宿主因呼吸、张口或偶然碰触到眼睛表面时黏附,造成新的宿主受到感染。例如:细菌性脑膜炎、水痘、普通感冒、流行性感冒、腮腺炎、结核、麻疹、德国麻疹、百日咳等等。还有些病原体在空气中可以自由散布,直径通常小于5微米,能够长时间浮游于空气中,做长距离的移动,主要藉由呼吸系统感染。这些传染病感染原存在于室内空气中,既容易使路过的人感染,又容易使传染病患者之间发生交叉感染;为了防止传染病蔓延,人们往往会携带口罩进行预防。然而,细菌的直径大多为0.5~5微米,病毒的直径大多为0.1~1微米,一般的口罩虽然在患者咳嗽、打喷嚏、说话时,能够将附着有病原体的口中飞沫吸附在口罩上, ...