The utility model belongs to an inorganic fire-proof, high-efficiency and energy-saving composite insulation board, which comprises an inner inorganic layer, an intermediate core material insulation layer and an outer inorganic material layer, a fire-proof and waterproof adhesive foaming layer between the inner inorganic layer and an intermediate core material insulation layer, and an intermediate core material insulation layer comprising a plurality of insulating core bars, and an intermediate core material insulation layer. A modified polyurethane rigid foam layer is arranged between the core material insulating layer and the outer inorganic material layer; the thickness of the inner inorganic layer is 5 mm to 15 mm; the thickness of the intermediate core material insulating layer is 2 mm to 100 mm; the thickness of the outer inorganic material layer is 6 mm to 12 mm; the material of the inner inorganic layer is high strength fiber cement board and high strength silica acid Calcium board, cement roll adhesive cloth or one of metal rolls; with flame retardant and fireproof function, and high strength, good stability, thermal insulation, fire prevention and waterproof advantages.
我国墙体保温技术,多数采用有机材料,这些有机材料防火性能差,产生安全隐患等致命缺陷,高楼火患以及频发的外墙保温层脱落伤人的惨剧,足以让人感到它的弊端;即让一些墙体保温采用无机保温材料,但因无机保温材料存在有导热系数高、保温性能差、保温层吸水失效等问题,并且一些墙体保温技术存在施工繁杂、施工工期长、应用成本高、使用寿命短、后期维护、更换费用代价大等缺陷。传统保温技术中所用材料如:EPS、XPS、PU等均为有机材料,使用己受到很大限制。国家颁布《严寒和寒冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准》JGJ26,将居住建筑节能标准提高,因此,常规保温材料已不能满足节能设计标准要求。为此,研制开发既能够满足国家更高节能标准要求,又能够符合国家建筑设计防火规范要求的新型建筑外墙保温技术显得更为迫切。现有技术中有将无机防火材料岩棉或玻璃棉等材料的内外双面与水泥浆体材料复合,这种复合保温板制作工艺复杂,制作时水泥浆体材料内外双面复合凝固养护周期长,导致占用生产厂地大,效率低,成本高,并且单独使用无机材料导热系数高、保温节能性能和力学性能以及防水性能差的问题;也有将有机泡沫保温板双面与水泥浆体材料复合,因有机材料不防火,不符合国家新的《建筑设计防火规范》强制性标准GB50016-2014的要求;也有将无机保温板作为保温材料单独使用粘贴固定在外墙面上,虽然解决了防火问题,但因其存在有导热系数高、保温性能差、保温层吸水失效等问题必须增加使用厚度才能满足节能标准要求,这既不经济又不安全 ...