The utility model relates to a guide wheel sleeve anti-stripping structure for a door buffer, which comprises a fixed plate and a buffer installed thereon, a deflection frame is installed on the fixed plate, a deflection frame is hinged at any point with the fixed plate, a waist-shaped hole is arranged on the deflection frame, an eccentric nail is installed on the fixed plate, and the main part of the eccentric nail is rotated in the waist-shaped hole through the waist. The holes drive the deflection frame to swing around the articulated point; the deflection frame is provided with guide wheels on both sides, and a protective cover is arranged on the surface of the guide wheel; the deflection frame and the guide wheel are covered with anti-disengagement frame; the anti-disengagement frame is provided with a limited position interval; the deflection frame and the guide wheel work in the limit interval. The utility model has the beneficial effect that the guide wheel moves in the limit region of the anti-stripping frame, and the limit region limits the movement space of the guide wheel and the protective cover, thereby avoiding the shedding of the protective cover. Reasonable use of the buffer shell to set up an evacuation groove to form a limit zone, the structure only needs to be improved on the existing basis, and the cost of modification can be reduced.
目前制造和使用玻璃挂趟门和房间推拉门非常普遍,其主要结构是由前、后两块门页用上、下滑动轮吊挂在门上端和下端的四条轨道上推拉开闭而得名。挂趟门一般是两扇门页,在每扇门页上方和下方装配滑轮,装配在铝合金轨道内。如中国专利号:201220046942.X;201220231490.2;201220240167.1中公开的技术方案一致,目前,挂趟门上一般都使用了缓冲器,并在挂趟门的上轨道内安装的拨动缓冲器的拨块,当推动挂趟门靠边时,拨块卡在缓冲器的活动件上,带动推拉门缓慢移动,直到停靠在门的边框旁边,由于缓冲器的缓冲作用,使推拉门在靠近门框的时候不会发生碰撞,避免因碰撞发出噪声,甚至是保护推拉门不会因此而碰撞损坏,所以颇受消费者的喜爱。现有的缓冲器中均需要使用导向轮,利用缓冲器上的导向轮与门框接触,令挂趟门与门框间保持一定的间隙,避免挂趟门与门框间产生摩擦。然而现有的缓冲器及其他家具五金中使用的导向轮大多为滚动轴承,安装时,利用螺栓或是铆钉将其固定安装在缓冲器固定板上,因此其存在着以下不足:1)滚动轴承为金属材质制作,当其与门框导轨接触并沿着导轨内壁滚动时噪声较大,且容易磨损门框导轨。2)轴承内圈上为通孔,当铆钉或螺栓与其安装时,铆钉或螺栓的大头端将会突出轴承端面一定高度,一则影响美观,二则占用空间,容易与与其他部件发生碰撞,影响装配。因此,本申请人也曾经专利技术了如专利号:201420271170.9.中所公开的一种家具五金导向轮的改良结构,在该导轮中,在金属轴 ...