The utility model relates to the technical field of chlorine dioxide preparation, in particular to a high purity chlorine dioxide reactor. The high purity chlorine dioxide reactor of the utility model comprises a first stage reactor, a two stage reactor and a residual liquid separation system. The primary feed pipe is connected with the first stage reactor. The first stage reactor, the two stage reactor and the residual liquid separation system are connected through the pipe, and the first stage reactor and the two stage reactor are set at the bottom. There is a compressed air inlet pipe. The top of the first stage reactor and the two stage reactor are connected to the gas liquid separator through the gas supply pipe, and the gas liquid separator is connected with the water pump through the gas supply pipeline. The mother liquid of the high purity chlorine dioxide reactor of the utility model can be recycled, the utilization rate of the raw material is high, the chlorine dioxide gas produced by the reactor and the chlorine dioxide gas separator separated by the residual liquid separation system are entered into the water pump, and the water mixture is mixed with the water from the water pump to form the chlorine dioxide solution and the conversion rate of the raw material. High.
二氧化氯(ClO2),熔点-59℃,沸点11℃,是自然界中以单体游离原子团存在的少数化合物之一,常温下为黄绿色或橘红色气体,外观及气味酷似氯气,ClO2气体易溶于水,形成黄绿色的溶液,二氧化氯在水中的溶解度约为氯气的5倍,其杀菌能力是现有氯系消毒剂的3-5倍,在水中能氧化降解多种有机污染物而不产生致癌有毒的卤代有机物,可杀灭各种传染性病菌和病毒,能有效去除水中的色素,嗅味、异味等有害物质,消毒杀菌效果不受水中PH值和氨氮的影响,在使用过程中安全、无毒,对环境和水体不产生二次污染,因而二氧化氯是国际上公认的新一代广谱杀菌消毒剂,为世界各国广泛应用,世界卫生组织(WHO)将其定为AI级安全消毒剂,在水处理行业得到广泛的应用。制备高纯二氧化氯有亚氯酸盐法和氯酸盐法,化学反应原理如下:NaClO3+2HCl→ClO2+1/2Cl2+NaCl+H2O(1)2NaClO3+H2SO4+H2O2→2ClO2+Na2SO4+2H2O+O2(2)即为氯酸钠与盐酸反应生成二氧化氯和氯气,如方程式1;氯酸钠与硫酸和双氧水反应生成二氧化氯,如方程式2。由于亚氯酸盐价格高造成二氧化氯的制备成本高,不适合大量使用二氧化氯的场所,因而氯酸盐法得到普遍应用。氯酸盐法主要以氯酸钠为原料,双氧水、甲醇、蔗糖、尿素等为还原剂,在一定的温度和一定的酸性介质中将氯酸钠还原生成二氧化氯。化学反应器是将反应物通过化学反应转化为产物的装置,是化学及其相关专业的核心设备。由于化学反应种类繁多,性质各异,化 ...