The invention provides a three-dimensional cultivation technique for the mushroom, selecting the high yield, high quality and disease resistant variety of the mushroom Huang 1, selecting the healthy fruit tree branches cut out in the year, grinding the wood chips, adding rice bran and sugar as the culture material, seed dressing, bagging and inoculation, and inoculating the temperature of the mycelium to 2228 degrees Celsius. The relative humidity of the air is kept in the 60%70%. After the strain of the strain, it reaches a good mushroom shed. The mushroom canopy is selected in the leeward, sunny, flat, and adequate water source. It should cover the sun shading net. Then put the bacteria bags on the bedstead to control the temperature and humidity to ensure the normal growth of letinous edodes. When the cap is open with 75%80%, it can be harvested and replenishment should be made after each harvest. Until the end of the whole. The invention has the beneficial effect that the production of letinous edodes can ensure high yield of letinous edodes and raise the income of farmers through the application of the invention.
为了提高冬菇生产效率、降低生产成本,本专利技术提供一种冬菇立体栽培技术。本专利技术解决其技术问题所采用的技术方法是:选择高产、优质、抗病的品种菇皇1号,选择当年修剪出的健康的果树枝条,磨成木屑,再加米糠和糖作为培养料,拌种、装袋、接种要消毒,接种到菌丝成熟要求温度保持在22-28度之间,空气相对湿度保持在60%-70%之间,菌种转色后,达好菇棚,菇蓬选择在背风、向阳、平坦、水源充足的地方,上面要盖遮阳网。然后将菌袋摆放在床架上,控制好温湿度,保证冬菇的正常生长。当菌盖有75%-80%开伞时就可以采收了,每次采收后要及时补水。直至完全结束。本专利技术有益效果是,通过本专利技术在冬菇生产的应用,保证冬菇产量高,农民的收入提高。具体实施方式下面结合案例,对本专利技术作进一步的说明:品种和培养料的选择:选择高产、优质、抗病的品种,如菇皇1号、花菇等。料选择当年修剪出的健康的果树枝条,磨成木屑,再加米糠和糖,它们的比例为:76%∶22%∶1%,另外加1%的石灰粉消毒,料水比达1∶1。品种和培养料准备好了后,于九月份就可以种植了。栽培过程:首先,把准备好的培养料和水严格按以上的比例配好,反复彻底的搅拌均匀后装袋。把食用菌专用袋分成60厘米长,一端用线扎紧,为了防止污染,从拌种到装袋结束保证在7小时内完成。其次,要严格消毒。装好后,用大火灭菌,在5小时内达到100度,这样的高温要维持18小时左右,中途注意添水。当料温降到75度时,抢温出锅,将料 ...