
技术编号:18606048 阅读:63 留言:0更新日期:2018-08-04 22:06

Preparation of 3- fluoroalkyl -1- methyl pyrazole -4- carboxylic acid

The invention relates to a preparation method of 3 fluoroalkyl 1 methyl pyrazole 4 carboxylic acid, including the following steps: Step 1, the condensation reaction of fluoroacetyl halogen derivative with two methylamine methyl methyl ketone, as shown by I, and the generation type II methylamine methylamine 1,1 two fluoro two fluoroacetone derivative Step two, the reaction of the 3, two methylamimyl methylene glycol, two fluoroacetone derivative and the methyl hydrazine ring, shown by the type of II, is produced by the formation III of the 3 fluoroalkyl 1 alkyl 4 acetyl acetyl pyrazole derivatives; step three, as shown by the III, the 3 fluoroalkyl 1 methyl 4 methyl 4 acetyl The derivatives of pyrazole are oxidized and acidified under alkaline conditions to form 3_fluoroalkyl_1_methylpyrazole_4_carboxylicacid as shown in formula IV. The preparation method of the invention has shorter reaction route, lower raw material cost, higher reaction yield in each step, and is suitable for industrial production.





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