
技术编号:18603195 阅读:51 留言:0更新日期:2018-08-04 21:37

Safety needle

A safety needle (10), which includes a needle seat (30), a needle (40) and a safety cover (50), and a needle (40) inserted in the front end of the needle combination part (31) of the needle seat (30), and a safety cover (50) set in the front end of the needle seat (30), and a needle sheath (51) of the safety cover (50) in the needle seat (52), and the needle sheath (51)). On the outside of the needle needle (40), the guide block (512) of the rear end of the puncture needle sheath (51) extends into the locking guide slot (333) of the shell part (33) of the needle seat (30), and the safety needle (10) is used to connect the front end of a needle (20), the safety cover (51) and the outer shell (53) are double housed on the outside of the needle (40), and the outer shell (53) back to the outside of the needle seat (30). The front end of the shell (33) is limited to the possibility that the needle (40) is not inserted, and the outer shield (53) must be cut down first, and the needle sheath (51) can be injected into the needle seat (30) to be injected. After the injection, the piercing needle sheath (51) can be ejected and set on the outside of the needle (40), and the guide block (512) of the needle sheath (51) is moved along the locking guide slot (333) to the locking recess (337). The safety pin (10) has been used since it is locked and cannot be used again.





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