The invention belongs to the technical field of asphalt regenerator, in particular a structure of a warm mixed regenerator, including a capsule shell and a regenerator composed of waste oil, graphene, light oil and desulphurizing rubber powder. The regenerative agent is liquid and is packed in a capsule shell. The capsule shell comprises a shell cap and a shell matching the shell cap. The body and the package ring for sealing the connection of the shell cap to the shell; the end of the cap on the cap is provided with an insertion groove for inserting the shell, and the inserting groove is in interference with the shell, and the insertion groove is provided with a flow channel at one end of the shell, and the channel is connected with the interior of the shell cap, and the shell cap is also provided with a filling mouth, a perfusion mouth and insertion. The groove is connected; one end of the shell near the shell cap is provided with a drainage groove, and the drainage groove is connected with the insertion groove; the material of the package ring is the same as the shell cap and the shell. The aim of the invention is to solve the problem that it is difficult to control the dosage of regenerative agent when it is not easy to transport and use.
我国高等级公路大多以沥青路面为主,按照15年或20年的设计使用年限,国内大部分沥青路面已经进入维修养护高峰期,中修和大修养护频繁。目前常用的维修方法是铣刨旧沥青面层后重新加铺新拌沥青混合料,或采用再生技术将废旧沥青混合料重复利用,将再生沥青混合料用于沥青路面的中下面层。废旧沥青路面再生是一种高效环保的建筑垃圾再利用技术,虽然废旧沥青混合料的路用性能达不到规范要求,但经过特殊处理,可将废旧沥青混合料重新利用,一是能降低新沥青和新集料的用量,减小沥青路面的维修养护费用和废旧RAP料处置费用;二是能有效避免因开采石料和处理废旧料对环境造成的污染,社会经济效益显著,符合国家可持续发展的战略部署。目前,我国废旧沥青混合料再生技术中应用最为普遍的是厂拌热再生技术。厂拌热再生就是将旧沥青路面经过翻挖后运回拌和厂,再集中破碎成废旧沥青,然后将再生剂和废旧沥青投入到拌合炉中加热拌合,使废旧沥青改性,再将新沥青、新集料等投入到拌合炉中加热拌合最后生成再生沥青。该过程需要先后投入再生剂、新沥青和新集料等,操作步骤多,较为麻烦,且现有的再生剂都是液态,多用桶装,且大多是人工将再生剂倾倒在拌合炉中,不易控制其用量,使用塑料桶盛装再生剂还需考虑到防泄漏、防碰撞等问题,不便于运输,所以现有的再生剂的结构有待改进。同时国内研究者基于组分调节理论、相容性理论和橡胶理论研发出多种厂拌热再生用再生剂,但大多实体工程使用效果不佳,主要是由于国内再生剂缺乏稳定性和高效性,耐久性能不足,且废旧沥青混 ...