The invention relates to a sludge drying and incineration integrated machine, belonging to the technical field of evaporation drying equipment. Before drying and incineration of silt, the device ignites the silt to ignite the flame, and the silt is entered into the silt drying chamber of the half part of the box from the entrance of the silt, and pushed to the left by the spiral push device. The flame in the sludge incineration chamber conveyed the heat through the heat conduction plate to the silt drying chamber, and the heat conveyed to the silt was dry. Dryness, the initial dry silt is transported to the left through a spiral push device and then into a silt incineration chamber. The sludge is incineration in the silt incineration chamber, and the incineration of the flue gas is refluted into the silt drying chamber. The sludge is dried by the waste heat of the flue gas to the silt inside the silt drying chamber, and then discharged through the flue gas exit, and the sludge is produced after the incineration. The raw ash is discharged through the ash outlet on the right side of the sludge incineration chamber. The device has advantages of environmental protection, small occupation area and convenient management, and has wide market value and application prospect.
我国改革开放二十多年来,随着我国的社会和经济的高速发展,城市规模与人口的增加,给城市带来了勃勃的生机,但是,环境问题也日益突出,尤其是城市水环境的恶化,不但影响着人民群众的身心健康,而且加剧了水资源的短缺,己经成为城市可持续发展的严重制约因素。污水经过各种不同工艺处理后,出水达到了国家规定的排放标准后,污水处理过程中产生的污泥依然含有大量的有机物质和丰富的氮磷等营养物质,如不加稳定处理而任意排放到水体中,污泥中的有机物和氨、氮将大量消耗水体中的氧,造成水体水质恶化,严重影响水生物的生存,污泥中的营养物质会造成水体的富营养化,促使藻类恶性繁殖,造成水体的赤潮和绿潮现象,不仅使城市水源水质恶化,影响生活用水和工农业用水,还将使渔业产量下降,造成巨大经济损失;如果利用到农业上,污泥中的重金属会污染土壤和作物;污泥中还含有致病菌、寄生虫卵等危害人类健康的因素,处理不当,会造成疾病的传播。这就给环境造成了严重的二次污染。因此污泥必须在进行最终处置之前进行处理,达到减量化、稳定化、无害化、资源化的目的。污泥焚烧处置的优势在于可以迅速和较大程度地使污泥达到减量化。城市污泥中含有大量的有机物和一定量的纤维素木质素,掺入适量的引燃剂、催化剂、疏松剂和固硫剂等添加物即可进行焚烧处理。但这种处置方式的弊端在于,污泥必须保证在比较低的含水率,而城市污泥即使经脱水后含水率仍然比较高,为75%~80%左右。这样的污泥在进行焚烧处理时,要维持燃烧温度在750℃~850℃以上,需要加入大量 ...