
技术编号:18581582 阅读:228 留言:0更新日期:2018-08-01 15:04

A power coupling test device

A power coupling testing device, including a power meter and a carrier platform, and at least one coupling antenna for receiving terminal equipment, each coupling antenna includes at least one vibrator mechanism and at least one feeding mechanism, each oscillator mechanism includes two antenna oscillators, and a feeder mechanism corresponding to the oscillator mechanism. One end of the two antenna oscillators is connected to one end respectively. The other end of the feeder mechanism corresponding to the vibrator mechanism is connected with the power meter signal. The two antenna oscillators in each oscillator mechanism are flat and symmetrically, each antenna vibrator includes an inner side, and the two inner sides of the two antenna vibrators are set relative to each other. A gap is formed and at least one part of each inner side at one end away from the feeding mechanism is an exponential curve. The power coupling test device reduces the influence of the position change of the terminal equipment to the test results, and improves the test accuracy of the power coupling test device.





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