The invention discloses a method for the withering of fresh and fresh black tea combinations. The steps are: A, picking fresh leaf raw material; B, spreading the fresh leaf raw material on the withering slot for cold dehydration, removing the water from the leaf surface using the cold wind, controlling the thickness of the leaf, the cold wind temperature and the time to get the dehydrated leaves; C, the dehydrated leaves are put out in the outdoor. The sun withered, control sunlight intensity and temperature, control the temperature and temperature of daylight, control the withering temperature and time, get daylight withering leaves; D, put the sun withered leaf in the indoor incense machine for cold solid incense, control the rotation speed and temperature of the solid incense machine, get the solid fragrant leaf. E, the solid vanes are placed on the withered groove to wither the hot wind and control certain stall Ye Houdu, temperature and time, get withered leaves; F, the withered leaves are regenerated and rolled to obtain the finished products of black tea. The method is easy to operate and easy to operate. It can achieve the aroma of high sweet and sweet flowers and fresh taste. The quality of the product is obviously superior to the traditional processing of black tea, and the economic value of tea is improved.
红茶加工工序分为萎凋—揉捻(揉切)—发酵—干燥,萎凋是第一道工序,对香气和滋味影响较大。红茶萎凋有三种方式:自然萎凋、日光萎凋、萎凋槽萎凋。自然萎凋是在室内进行,受温度、湿度等自然气候的影响大(赵和涛,不同萎凋方法对红茶品质影响,1994,广西热作科技,Vol53(4):56-59;董连源,谈日光萎凋及其经济效益,1990,茶叶,3:27-29)。日光萎凋是将茶鲜叶原料置于室外太阳下暴晒。专利文献(一种夏秋工夫红茶的加工方法,201410749256.2;一种红茶加工方法,201510626955)报道了鲜叶采摘后利用室外日光进行萎凋;曹潘荣(不同萎凋方式对红茶和乌龙茶品质的影响,2012,广东茶叶,21:27-29)、陈凤月(花香型坦洋工夫红茶萎凋技术,2012,农产品加工,9:68-70)等人的非专利文献报道了该方式由于受天气以及太阳光的影响大,往往叶子边缘以及叶尖失水快,萎凋不均匀。萎凋槽萎凋是在专用的萎凋槽中进行,利用风力散失鲜叶水分,可以控制温度、风速和风量,萎凋均匀,生产上大量使用,但不能产生高甜香气。专利文献(一种红茶加工方法,201510715882.4;一种红茶的制备方法,201410581326.8)报道利用萎凋槽萎凋制作红茶;陈尊诗(红茶加温萎凋槽的研究1964,茶叶科学,2:61-65)、赵和涛(不同萎凋方法对红茶品质影响,1994,广西热作科技,Vol53(4):56-59;萎凋槽及直热式热风炉的应用 ...