The present invention relates to an intelligent perspiration band. The intelligent perspiration band includes the body of the sweat guide band, and the intelligent perspiration belt also includes two bone conducting vibrators installed in the inner part of the body of the sweat guide belt, the main board in the body of the sweat guide belt, the acceleration sensor and the lithium battery, the button in the body of the sweat belt, the working indicator and the magnetic absorption charge. The device, the waterproof microphone and the heart rate detection device, the lithium battery is connected with the main board, the work indicator lamp, the magnetic absorption charger and the bone conduction oscillator, and the main board is connected with the key, the work indicator, the acceleration sensor, the heart rate detection device and the waterproof microphone signal respectively. The intelligent perspiration band of the invention solves the problem that the sweat water flowing into the eyes in the user's movement and the immediate reception of the commanders' instructions in the group movement, the users can enjoy music when they move alone, solve the problems of the storage, transmission and analysis of various sports data, and have no damage to the eardrum. In addition, the sweat guide belt is also solved. The problem of receiving distance between waterproofing and RF electronics.
气导扬声器是把电信号转化为声波(振动信号)传至听神经。而骨传导扬声器则是将电信号转化的声波(振动信号)直接通过骨头传至听神经,声波(振动信号)的传递介质不同。利用这些骨传导技术制造的耳机,称之为骨传导耳机。骨传导耳机佩戴使用时开放双耳,不堵塞耳朵,解决了入耳式耳机佩戴的不适感。同时,也避免了戴耳机运动时耳内出汗带来的一系列卫生和健康问题。因此,骨传导扬声器耳机十分适合用来运动使用。打开双耳,使用耳机的同时也能注意到周围环境的变化,使用更加安全。在开车、运动等环境下也能听清环境音。当前专业体育教学中运动装备存在的缺陷:1、游泳教学:存在教练员对群体学员授课时,无法即时即刻的对运动动作做出纠正或者指导的问题。原有的教学方法是教练员无辅助器械时,采用站在水中或者游泳池边使劲喊话教学,或者大声喊叫全体暂停,对个别队员指导后,才能继续训练,一天的教学过后声音嘶哑及其严重。部分教练员使用扩音器设备教学,虽有一定效果,但是,对游泳馆其他人造成很大的影响。2、田径教学:存在教练员对群体学员授课时,无法即时即刻的对运动动作做出纠正或者指导的问题。原有的教学方法是教练员无辅助器械时,站在运动场中间或者赛道边上使劲喊话教学,一天的教学过后声音嘶哑严重。部分教练员使用扩音器设备教学,虽有一定效果,但是,对运动场其他人造成很大的影响。3、冰雪运动教学:存在教练员对群体学员授课时,无法即时即刻的对运动动作做出纠正或者指导的问题。原有的教学方法是教练员无辅助器械时,站在运动场中间或者赛道边上使劲喊话教学 ...