The invention provides a detection device for the wear of the bottom of the bottom of the mushroom and the detection method. By rotating the bottom armature mushroom head and the upper and lower moving measuring device, the surface data of the mushroom head is measured by the contact between the needle and the surface of the mushroom head, and the ball surface of the mushroom head is reconstructed after the data processing, and the spherical surface before and after the wear is put into the surface. The wear characteristics of the mushroom head are obtained by line alignment, which can be used to detect and evaluate the roughness, wear length, wear shape and wear volume of the worn surface, and facilitate the study of the wear mechanism, which is of great significance for preventing and slowing down the wear. The detection device provided by the invention has the advantages of simple structure, convenient operation and low production cost, and can detect the wear of the bottom mushroom head of different sizes, and its detection method is simple. It can break through the limitation of the measurement of the surface of the spherical surface, improve the accuracy of the detection result, and can wear the surface of the surface. Carry out high precision detection.
随着中国内陆航运的发展,江河中船只通行量大大增加,船闸的通过量远超它的设计量,船闸经常处于满荷通行或者超荷通行。由于闸门的日开关次数过多,造成闸门底枢蘑菇头磨损而使闸门有一定角度的倾斜,导致闸门不能关紧。所以预测出底枢摩擦副磨损失效的时间,及时地维修和更换底枢比完全失效后去更换所花时间少得多,大大减少船闸暂时不通行带来的经济损失。为了研究底枢摩擦副摩擦磨损机理,需设计并制造一套人字闸门底枢摩擦副磨损模拟试验台,通过调节各种试验参数以模拟底枢的真实运转工况。以磨损量为判断标准,得出各因素对底枢摩擦副磨损影响程度。试验台制造完成后,试验过程中需离线检测出底枢摩擦副的磨损状况,因此需进行底枢摩擦副摩擦磨损试验。在试验的过程中,闸门运行到一定次数需拆卸底枢观察磨损状况,因此对底枢磨损进行检测。底枢重量较大,一般有几十千克,底枢磨损量也不大,称重法测量精度达不到要求;底枢蘑菇头是曲面,难以直接测量其磨痕长度、深度,故不可用标尺直接测量;底枢磨损磨屑不易收集,难以准确称磨屑重量,在脂润滑条件下磨屑会混入废脂中,分离手段复杂,且依赖对废脂的取样,故磨屑分析法也不适用;定义底枢使用寿命,需确定最大磨损量,拟采用最大磨损深度来表征,最大磨损深度达到一定值就相当于底枢达到预期寿命,因此采用的磨损检测方法需能测出最大磨损深度,而化学分析法不适用;试验过程中,一件试样需运行一定次数后需测一次磨损量,完成一次试验需检测几次试验的磨损量,所以设计一种 ...