A fixed section of a passenger car air duct is characterized in that the main body is a 90 degree bend and extension of the two ends of a steel plate, and then a 90 degree bend and extension, one of which extends to a long wing by a 90 degree bend, and the other end is bent to form a short wing edge at 90 degrees. The end side of the short wing is welded to the long wing bending place. A rectangular or square tube structure is formed; an installation hole is provided on the length direction of the long wing edge, and the middle part of the lower part of the lower side of the long wing side is symmetrical with a two leakage hole, and the two ends of the side are also provided with a through hole. By optimizing the structure, the utility model can increase the section coefficient of the product, improve the strength and rigidity of the product, and meet the requirement of further thinning in the case of maintaining the rigidity. Through continuous stamping and one molding, the following processing procedure is reduced, the labor cost is reduced, the installation and the production efficiency are conveniently installed, and the production is satisfied with the production. Product performance requirements, and the greatest extent to achieve this effect.
一直以来,传统客车的风道固定所用的型材结构基本都是采用低强度热轧方矩形管和等边角钢焊接而成,这主要是因为传统客车的风道固定型材对重量和精度的要求都较低,而低强度热轧方矩形管和角钢由于技术门槛低、生产方便、价格低廉,故原材料成本不高;但是为了配合后续安装以及为电泳做准备,需冲压出一定数量的装配孔和漏液孔以及酸洗除鳞等,从而会增加焊接组装工序、生产效率低、人工成本提高以及环境污染等一系列问题。近年来,随着国家节能减排等环保政策的不断推行,车辆轻量化要求越来越高,传统的低强度热轧型钢已不再适合应用于客车的轻量化要求,同时考虑到以上缺点,故亟需采用热轧酸洗高强钢等原材料、结构优化、工艺优化以达到高强减薄和降本增效的效果。另外,采用高频焊接方矩形管和角钢、拼焊、单次冲孔、装配、酸洗除鳞的工艺也非常不适用于当前的轻量化、环保、降本增效等要求,理由如下:1,方矩形管和角钢因材料强度低,一般依靠增加厚度来保证强度,如果采用高强钢来减少厚度则能够在保持强度的基础上实现轻量化,适用于进一步材料轻量化的要求;2,高频焊方矩形管和角钢焊接后截面需二次焊接成型,存在两道焊缝,即高频焊接+拼焊,因此存在两道焊缝导致截面强度和刚度低,这就抑制了工艺进一步的结构轻量化;3,高频焊接+拼焊产生的焊缝热影响区宽度很大,一般为材料厚度的2倍以上,对于塑性低、脆性高的高强钢来说,焊缝开裂风险提高,容易开裂;4,因拼焊后的工艺需要冲孔和酸洗除鳞,效率低下、人工成本高、环保压力大,不符合当前环保政策和降本 ...