The utility model discloses a high efficiency and energy saving continuous composting device. The composting and fermenting device includes a pre treatment device, a composting and fermenting device and a transmission device. The compost raw material and the conditioner are mixed to the composting fermentation device after mixing, and the transmission device is driven to be fixed on the mixing shaft connecting rod of the composting and fermentation device. When the scraper sheet moves over a thin layer of pile close to the wall of the composting bin, the air exchange is completed through the ventilation hole on the lower side of the compost bin, and the material is moved from the inlet to the outlet direction. The composting and fermentation device is continuous or intermittent continuous feeding, and the storage time of the pile in the compost bin is 5 and 8 days; the utility model is adopted. The lower driving power only needs lower driving power to contact the air in each layer, improve the efficiency of oxygen adding, complete the first stage composting in a relatively short time, and realize the automatic continuous import and export. At the same time, it can improve the efficiency of composting and reduce the operation cost and human cost of the equipment, which is suitable for the vast organic solid in our country. It is widely used in villages and towns where waste is continuously generated and produced less.
随着人口的增加,村镇有机固体废弃物的产出量也逐年增加,为避免二次污染和有效利用其中的有效成分,其处理方式已经成为全社会关心的问题;高温好氧堆肥技术可以实现废弃物的无害化处理和资源化利用而受到广泛应用;目前堆肥的方式主要分为条垛式和反应器式,条垛式堆肥适用于大型堆肥厂,有机废弃物处理量大,运行成本较低,但在需要大量的空余土地,堆肥过程中工艺条件难以控制,堆制时间长,同时露天堆制会产生较大臭味,影响周围环境;反应器堆肥可及时调整反应条件,缩短堆肥周期,且臭味可控,但处理量较小,适合我国村镇地区小型养殖场、屠宰场、蔬果市场等等有机废弃物源头分散的地点推广使用,既解决了污染问题,又解决了农业有机肥源问题。反应器式堆肥难以大范围推广的另一个原因是设备运行成本和人力成本较高,为此,人们尝试开发不同类型的堆肥反应器,为好氧堆肥提供良好的工艺条件,提高好氧堆肥的效率,降低堆肥发酵的运行成本。如:中国专利技术专利:污泥好氧机械堆肥方法及动态滚轮堆肥装置(申请号:200910012871.4)、中国技术专利:一种低能耗的滚筒式好氧堆肥反应器(申请号:201620305047.3)、中国技术:一种全密封式污泥堆肥连续发酵处理设备(申请号:20120316046.6),均采用滚筒式堆肥装置,动力装置带动堆肥仓滚筒翻转实现仓内堆肥物料的翻堆,这种翻堆方式可避免堆料粘结或成块现象,大大缩短了堆肥发酵周期,但整体堆料的翻动方式大大提高了电机功耗,未 ...