The invention relates to a method for separating azeotropic systems in the field of chemical rectification and purification. By adding two methylamine to destroy the interaction force between the azeotropic systems, the three fractionating towers were used for continuous separation operation. The concrete steps include: adding the two methylamine and azeotrope system into the first distillation column to send the mixture of DMF and two methylamine or two methylamine from the top of the tower to the second distillation column. The mixture of high acid content is sent to the third distillation column at the bottom of the tower. The second distillation tower top fraction of two methylamine was dried and returned to the two methylamine tank. The bottom of the tower got high purity DMF or DMAC; high purity formic acid or acetic acid was produced at the top of the third distillation tower. The advantage of the invention is to use the force of two methylamine and carboxylic acid to destroy the highest azeotropic point of DMF/ formic acid or DMAC/ acetic acid, solve the problem of the separation of this kind of azeotrope, and improve the separation efficiency of DMF/ formic acid or DMAC/ acetic acid.
N,N-二甲基甲酰胺简称DMF,常压下沸点为153℃,是一种重要的化工原料和优良的有机溶剂。大量DMF的使用必然伴随着回收再利用的过程,DMF的回收常在高温条件下进行,而在此条件下DMF易发生水解生成二甲胺和甲酸;二甲胺与DMF的沸点相差大易于分离,而甲酸与DMF之间由于存在较强的作用力形成最高共沸物而难以分离。常压下DMF/甲酸共沸物温度为163.2℃,其中甲酸的质量分数为31.3%,从而造成DMF回收得率较低。N,N-二甲基乙酰胺简称DMAC,常压下沸点为165℃,作为一种高沸点高极性的非质子化溶剂,在材料、石油、制药、纺织和精细化工等行业有着广泛的用途。在乙酸酐和乙酸法合成DMAC过程中,DMAC/乙酸会形成最高共沸物而不能通过常规精馏方法分离提纯,常压下DMAC/乙酸共沸物温度为170.8℃,其中乙酸质量分数为21.1%,导致DMAC产品收率降低。DMF/甲酸或DMAC/乙酸共沸物现有的分离手段包括酸碱中和、共沸精馏、液液萃取和反应精馏等。其中酸碱中和是目前工业上应用较多的方法,专利CN102408349B利用酸碱中和的方式去除DMF回收过程中产生的甲酸以保证回收系统的正常运行,最终得到甲酸含量达标的DMF;专利CN101759590B则利用碱性填料对DMF回收液进行脱酸处理,得到甲酸含量小于50ppm的DMF,但这种碱性填料脱酸法只适用于处理酸含量较低的DMF回收液,当酸含量高时碱性填料快速失活,导致回收得到酸值超标的DMF ...