The invention relates to a field mixed pesticide synergistic formula for the prevention and control of the malignant weeds such as amaranth, which is mixed by three kinds of pesticide formulations. The active ingredients of the three pesticide formulations are glyphosate ammonium, ammonium, and fluosamethoxamine, respectively, of which the weight of glyphosate ammonium salts accounts for 80 of the total weight of the active ingredient, 90% of the total weight of the active ingredients. The weight of ammonium phosphine accounted for 3 of the total weight of the active component, and the weight of fluosamethoxyl ether accounted for 5 of the total weight of the active component, and the total weight of the active ingredients was the sum of the weight of ammonium glyphosate, ammonium phosphine, and fluosamethoxyl ether. The invention is suitable for field mixing in field. After mixing the three chemicals, it has obvious synergistic effect, which is used to prevent and control the malignant weeds such as amaranth, and solves the problem of resistance to glyphosate, such as amaranth and other malignant weeds, and effectively reduces the use cost of ammonium glyphosate, at the same time, the weed effect is very good and weeding root is complete, It is not easy to turn green, rebound and relapse, and protect the ecological environment.
铁苋菜为大戟科铁苋菜属杂草,在大豆、棉花、玉米等旱作物田发生较为普遍,成为旱地较难防除的一种恶性杂草。由于近年来大量的使用草甘膦,目前这两杂草已经对草甘膦产生较强抗药性,有些地方草甘膦几乎对其无效,已经在我国南方旱地种植区成为优势种群和恶性杂草,成为农民防治的头号难题。草甘膦异丙铵盐为内吸传导型广谱灭生性除草剂,主要抑制植物体内烯醇丙酮基莽草酸磷酸合成酶,从而抑制莽草酸向苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸及色氨酸的转化,使蛋白质的合成受到干扰导致植物死亡。草甘膦是通过茎叶吸收后传导到植物各部位才能发挥作用,在除草的速效上较慢,一般7-10天左右才开始出现明显症状,15天才达到除草高峰,温度低时作用速度更慢,但成本较为低廉。草铵膦为膦酸类除草剂,非传导性触杀型除草剂,内吸性差,草铵膦通常先杀叶,通过抑制植物体内的谷氨酰胺合成酶活性,导致谷氨酰胺合成受阻、氮代谢紊乱、铵离子累积,从而破坏植物细胞膜,阻止植物光合作用而枯死,除草效果快,一般1-2天就出现表现明显症状,受温度影响较小,但成本过高。氟磺胺草醚属二苯醚类选择性除草剂,施药后很快被叶部吸收,破坏杂草的光合作用,叶片黄化,迅速枯萎死亡,对防除阔叶杂草有特效,与草甘膦异丙铵盐和草铵膦混配后能死草烂根彻底,不易返青反弹。铁苋菜等恶性杂草,单独使用草甘膦异丙铵盐或氟磺胺草醚防效较差,通过加大用药量势必会加重除草剂的残留,同时增加防治成本,也造成杂草抗药性的产生,进而降低除草剂的防效;单独使用 ...