The utility model, which belongs to the technical field of agricultural machinery, is an image information recognition instrument for the process of cotton picking, including the device body, the mirror, the display screen, the light inlet, the bottom moving wheel, the high-speed CCD color camera, the wind speed sensor, the ultrasonic sensor, and the rear end surface of the device main body is embedded with high speed CC. D color camera, the wind speed sensor is electrically connected to the left end surface of the main body of the device. The ultrasonic sensor is electrically connected to the lower end of the mirror. The upper surface of the body is embedded with a groove. The inner surface of the groove is connected by a keyway to the adjustable knob; the reflector is embedded in the left end surface of the body of the device, and the display screen is embedded. Inlaid on the front surface of the main body of the device, the inlet of the light inlet is evenly distributed on the front surface of the main body of the device, and the bottom surface of the body is connected with the bottom moving wheel, and the user can move and fix the position of the recognition device flexibly and freely, according to the actual use needs.
棉花中的异性纤维是指在原棉生产、加工和流通过程中混入棉花中的对棉花及其制品质量有严重影响的非棉纤维和有色纤维,对于棉花异性纤维的处理,国内外统一采用两种方法,视觉检测法和微波检测法。法德国和瑞士在棉花异性纤维剔除方面是处于前沿,例如德国特吕茨勒公司的SCFO异性纤维检测及分离装置。国内也进行了大量研究工作,得到了一系列剔除棉花异性纤维的设备。如中国台湾的明正机械工业有限公司的DG一200OA异纤检出设备。但以上系统设备,无论是国外还是国内的现有的异性纤维在线清理设备普遍存在价格昂贵、清理效果差,且这些系统仅仅局限于剔除异性纤维,没有对异性纤维进行分类识别,无法满足我国棉纺织企业异性纤维在线剔除的应用需求,没能够对整个棉花行业起到生产指导作用。现有技术公开申请号为CN201611190931.8的一种双工位式机采棉加工过程图像信息在线采集装置,但是,现有技术由于无法根据实际使用需要,对该识别装置的位置进行灵活自由移动与固定,可能导致棉花异性纤维信息采集与识别不完整,实用性能不足。因此,通过棉花异性纤维的互信息识别法,可以有效的降低异性纤维的危害。同时将棉花异性纤维的互信息识别法应用到棉花异性纤维的检测和种类识别中,可提高异性纤维检测的技术水平和生产效率,可有效克服传统的异性纤维检测周期长、时效性差、效率低、准确性差、劳动强度高等缺点,对实现农产品检测的自动化和智能化有重要意义,有利于提高棉花质量,促进我国棉花产业和棉纺织工业的发展。现有技术公开申 ...