
技术编号:18418377 阅读:35 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-11 09:47

Charging system, protection method for charging, power adapter

A charging system, a terminal (2) charging anti surge voltage impact protection method and a power adapter (1), a charging system including a power adapter (1) and a terminal (2), and a power adapter (1) including a first rectifying unit (101), a switch unit (102), a transformer (103), a second rectifier unit (104), a first charge interface (105), a first charge interface (105), and a first charge interface. The two voltage sampling circuit (114), the control unit (107), the comparator unit (115), the control unit (107) adjust the duty ratio of the control signal to satisfy the charging demand of the third pulsating waveform output of the second rectifier unit (104), and the comparator unit (115) applies the comparison signal to open the comparison signal when the sampling voltage is greater than the reference voltage. A closed unit (102) is forced to open the switch unit (102); the terminal (2) includes a second charging interface (201) and a battery (202), the second charging interface (201) is connected to the battery (202). When the second charging interface (201) is connected with the first charge interface (105), the second charging interface (201) loads the voltage of the pulse waveform to the battery. The voltage of the pulsating waveform output by the power adapter (1) is directly loaded into the battery (202), and the safety protection can be realized.





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