The invention discloses an intelligent robot integration device for students, including a blackboard shell. The interior of the blackboard shell is provided with a writing board, and a bottom rotatable support foot is arranged under the blackboard shell body, and a chain hook is arranged above the blackboard shell body, and the blackboard shell is linked to the chain chain. A chain fixed foot is arranged at the connection position, and the inside of the blackboard shell is located near the bottom of the rotatable support foot, and the inner slot of the storage platform is arranged. The inside of the tank inside the storage table is provided with a storage table, and the rear of the blackboard shell is provided with a rear support rod jacket; compared with the existing technology, the invention is beneficial. The effect is: in the invention, the design of the blackboard hanging lock is convenient for the users to hang the blackboard on the wall without space; the design support foot can be used to support the blackboard suspension chain and the support foot combination with the supporting foot supporting the blackboard when the user is inconvenient to hang.
教学用具是指使学生能直观、形象地理解教学内容所使用的各类器具及教师授课时使用的用具的总称,简称教具。教具可提高学生的学习兴趣,丰富感性认识,帮助形成明确的概念,发展学生的观察能力和思维能力。一般分普通教具、特殊教具、幼儿教具3类。普通教具:包括中小学基础教育和大、中专各类专业教育所使用的常规和专业教具。一般有实物,将客观事物直接呈现在学生面前,以便学生直接感受;模拟实物,包括标本、模型和其他复制品,如地球仪、人体模型、工程设备模型等;描绘事物形象的图表,包括图画、照片、地图和统计、设计等各种形象化图表;再现事物形象及其过程的现代化设备,如电影机、电视机、录音机、录像机、幻灯机、投影仪等。还有授课时使用的常规教具,如黑板、板擦、白板、粉笔等。特殊教具:一般是指对特殊教育对象如盲、聋、哑等残疾人和弱智儿童等进行教学所用的专用器具。常见的特殊教具有盲人板、盲人笔、助听器、助视器等。幼儿教具:为学龄前儿童启蒙教育所使用的玩具、智力开发用品。能发展幼儿的运动能力,训练其知觉,激发其想象力,唤起其好奇心。幼儿教具是为儿童的身心发展提供的物质条件,包括直观图片,形象、技术、拼合、装配玩具,建筑、结构模型,音乐发声玩具等。黑板属于普通教具的一种,它的使用范围广,非常常见,然而,传统的黑板仅仅只能当做黑板使用,要么只能挂在墙上,要么只能摆放在地下,使用不方便,而且,传统的黑板储物架是固定的,不能伸缩。专利技术专利内容本专利技术专利的目的在于提供一种 ...