The invention belongs to the technical field of the casting mould for the processing of magnesium alloy, in particular to a casting copper mold for improving the content of the autogenic quasicrystal of the Mg Zn Al alloy, which solves the problem that the existing mold is difficult to prepare the magnesium alloy with high purity quasicrystal. It is made of chromium, zirconium and copper, including the first half die and the second half die of the forming cavity after closure. The cavity consists of a rod type cavity, a pouring system and a built-in filling riser. The gating system includes a gate and a runner. The gate is shaped as a cavity with a cylinder in the upper part of the funnel, and the runner includes the vertical runner and the cast-in-place road. The vertical runner is serpentine, and the runner is located at the bottom of the test rod cavity to form a bottom injection gating system. The invention can greatly improve the crystallization cooling rate of the alloy bar, so as to achieve a large number of autogenic quasicrystals and significantly improve the comprehensive performance of the magnesium alloy test rod. At the same time, the bottom injection casting system can avoid large amount of impurities such as oxidation slag and reduce the porosity of the alloy during the pouring process.
镁合金具有优异的工艺性能、较好的耐腐蚀性能、良好的导热、减振及电磁屏蔽性和可回收性,但镁合金的高温性能较差,这使得其在高温零件中不能得到广泛应用。准晶具有高强度、硬度、弹性模量、低摩擦系数、表面能以及良好的热稳定性等性能,因此可以考虑将准晶作为强化相用来增强镁合金的高温性能。传统铸造法工艺简单,对设备要求低,但是很难制备出纯度很高的准晶,其中冷却速度是很重要的影响因素。除了最常用的H13钢模具,传统的模具还有简单的紫铜模具或者水冷金属铜模具。传统紫铜模具结构简单,但冷却能力有限,铸造得到的试样显微组织粗大,性能较差,而且硬度低易磨损,使用寿命不长;水冷金属铜模具虽然冷却能力强,但是容易渗水、漏水,对镁合金的熔炼有一定的危险性,而且水冷模具造成整体结构复杂,大大增加设备成本。经查阅文献,昆明市宜良化工设备铸造厂李家元、胡少波公布了一种带加强筋的Q235低碳钢金属模具,(中国,专利技术专利,公告号202539474U),该模具通过在模具周围增加加强筋散热冷却,细化合金棒材的晶粒。钢的传热系数比铜小很多,而且加强筋散热效果有限,钢模具散热激冷效果比铜模具差很多。中北大学王一帆等用常规铸造法制备了AlCuFe准晶,发现冷却速度越大准晶合金的微观组织晶粒越细小,形貌更平整,准晶相更均匀单一化。(王一帆,侯华,田晋忠,张峰浩,赵宇宏,李会军.冷却速度对制备AlCuFe准晶的影响[J] ...