The utility model discloses a leakproof structure of a water storage device, including a water tank. The water outlet of the water tank is connected with a mixing box through a flange plate. The flange plate and the water outlet of the water tank are also provided with a silica gel cushion. The mixing box includes a pipe sleeve, the end face of the pipe sleeve is provided with an outward convex piece, and a screw hole is provided on the convex plate. The screw hole of the flange is screwed through the screw through the screw, and the water tank outlet, the silica gel pad, the flange plate, the mixing box and the pipe sleeve are pressed tightly. The O type rubber ring is arranged between the pipe sleeve and the flange plate, and the side wall of the mixed box is set with the flanged disc vertical liquid level detector. The outer diameter of the silicon gasket is equal to the outer diameter of the flange. The outer diameter of the O rubber ring is the same as the outer diameter of the protruding piece of the pipe sleeve. When the water tank is filled, it can wash 10 cars or more. The traditional way of washing a car is not enough to wash 1/10 cars, so it saves at least 100 times the water saving.
目前的车主洗车主要是到几会里以外的洗车场或者在自己家门前拿着水桶自己洗车。到几会里以外的洗车场不仅浪费时间还得付相对昂贵的洗车费用,到洗车场洗车对于不是太脏只需要简单冲洗的车辆也需要付相同的费用、进行相同的洗车步骤,造成资源的浪费。在自家门前的洗车运用的是饮用水会造成水资源的浪费,而且水费比较高,还会造成洗车周围污水堆积。现有的自助洗车机只需车主持IC卡到IC卡智能自主洗车机上自主洗车,根据用水量的多少扣除一部分费用。这种洗车模式极大的方便了车主洗车,并且使洗车变得更加的灵活自主。当然它也存在一定的问题:结构不合理,成本高;使用的微水洗车机,只带有一只水箱,水箱中装入加入洗车剂,用于冲洗全部车体,包括车厢、玻璃、轮胎。冲洗玻璃时,玻璃表面残存的洗车剂,影响透明度,尤其是前挡风玻璃,残存的洗车剂行成雾状,影响视线和行驶安全。用这种水冲洗轮胎,因为轮胎的洁净程度要求不必这么好,浪费洗车剂,提高洗车成本;公知的传统洗车方式是用高压柱塞泵打出高压清水冲刷车身,然后用洗车泡沫擦抹车身,最后再用高压水冲净车身。这种清洗方式造成了大量的水浪费,洗一辆小车约耗水100多升。用高压清水冲击车身除了会冲掉大颗粒块状泥沙外,对细小粉尘、油渍、水痕、重圬垢等无任何清洗作用。想要彻底清洗,清洗剂擦抹是最重要的环节。如果将以大量水冲洗这一工效,溶合到清洗剂清洗操作中,就可节省下大量的水。同时,公知的传统洗车方式所用的高压泵使用220V交流电源,高压泵出水流量大,耗电量大,如果改用小流量高压喷雾 ...