The invention discloses a FPGA underwater acoustic signal processing method and a device, FPGA underwater acoustic signal processing method, including: (1) detection of input signals, FPGA for circuit control and receiving data; (2) when FPGA determines the amount of data received to meet the predetermined FFT requirements, the interrupt signal is generated to the DSP, and a communication relationship is established through the LINK interface, and the communication relationship is established through the LINK interface, The received data is transmitted to the DSP, and the FPGA stores the received data to the data storage chip through the data / address bus; (3) when the DSP detects an effective signal from the received data, the FPGA outputs the data in the data storage chip to the next level circuit. The invention mainly uses the advantages of the LINK port communication process of DSP and FPGA without consuming the advantage of the DSP instruction operation to avoid a large amount of data exchange between DSP and FPGA, resulting in a decline in the efficiency of the DSP execution detection operation. The invention has the advantages of convenient implementation, strong universality, and can be effectively applied to the frequency detection of broadband signals of underwater vehicles, and has good application prospects.
FPGA又称为可编程门阵列,是一种可编程逻辑器件,可作为专用集成电路领域中的一种半定制电路使用。具有可重复修改设计、运行速度快等优点。对水声信号频率的检测与估计,是水下信号处理中的一项重要技术。目前常用的信号检测方法主要分为以快速傅里叶(FFT)算法为代表的经典信号检测方法和以小波分析为代表的现代信号检测方法。以上两种方法各有优缺点:经典信号检测方法具有分析频带宽、运算量少、实时性高及适用范围广等优点,但存在频率分辨率低的缺点;现代信号检测方法具有频率分辨率高、能同时获取突变信号在时域和频域特征等优点,但存在分析频带窄、运算量大、实时性低及对硬件要求高等缺点。目前水下航行器大部分采用以快速傅里叶(FFT)算法为基础、以数字信号处理芯片(DSP)和大规模可编程逻辑阵列(FPGA)为硬件运行环境的实时信号检测方法,分别由一块高频数字信号电路和一块低频数字信号处理电路完成不同信号的处理。但随着现代水中信号检测技术的发展,所检测信号的运算量大幅增加,对频率分辨率的要求越来越高,现代信号检测方法的运用越来越多,以往的硬件运行环境逐渐无法适应新算法对硬件资源的要求。如图1所示,目前的数字信号电路,FPGA每接收一个数据便产生一个中断信号发送给DSP,并通过数据/地址总线将数据发送给DSP,DSP将收到的数据存入数据处理芯片,当DSP收到的数据个数满足FFT对数据量的要求时,DSP开始运算,当检测到信号时,DSP从片外数据存储器中读出数据, ...