The invention discloses a black tea fermentation device, including a feeding mechanism, and a plurality of feeding devices are arranged in front of the feeding direction of the feeding mechanism, and the feeding mechanism under the feeding mechanism is provided with a dryer for drying hot air to the feeding device, and the feeding device includes a accommodating cavity for holding materials, and also is included in the accommodating cavity. The spray device for spray water mist is provided with a fermentation chamber connected with the accommodating cavity under each feeding device. The fermentation chamber is provided with a heat dissipation device. The fermentation chamber is also provided with a trigger device that triggers the heat dissipation device according to the degree of tea expansion during the fermentation process, and the trigger device also has a tea expansion. After expanding to the predetermined level, the fermentation chamber door switch is triggered to open the barn door at the bottom of the fermentation chamber, and the side wall of the fermentation chamber is also provided with a heat dissipation port, and the side wall of the fermentation chamber is also connected with an oxygenated fan by an oxygenated wind pipe, which solves the problem of separating the tea from unequal supply of oxygen, different fermenting degrees and uncontrolled fermentation time. The problem.
红茶在制作过程中需要发酵,发酵是形成红茶色、香、味品质特征的关键性工序。一般是将揉捻叶放在发酵框或发酵车里等发酵装置,进入发酵室发酵。发酵要掌握满足茶多酚氧化酶的氧化聚合反应所需的适宜温度、湿度和氧气量。红茶发酵过程中会产生大量的高湿高温气体,需要及时冷却干燥这些高湿高温气体,否则会降低红茶的品质,甚至会造成红茶腐烂掉。为了及时除去这些高湿高温气体需要保证发酵时拥有良好的通气环境一般要将发酵的茶叶摊开,摊叶的厚度控制在8~12厘米。为了使不同大小、不同新鲜程度的茶叶都能提高风味,摊叶的厚度也会不同,嫩叶和叶型小的要薄摊到8厘米;老叶和叶型大的要厚摊到12厘米。气温低时要厚摊;气温高时应薄摊。再就是红茶发酵过程中会膨胀,发酵后红茶会胀实在发酵室里,人们需要花费较大力气才能将发酵后的红茶从发酵室中取出。中国专利技术专利CN102326636B中公开了一种红茶发酵塔,包括壳体,壳体内设有塔芯,所述塔芯顶端软性连接在壳体的进茶口处,塔芯底部悬设在壳体内的底板上,塔芯内下部设有振动装置;所述塔芯呈正方形,包括进风腔和进风腔外侧立面板往外延伸的四个发酵室,进风腔的顶部密封,进风腔和发酵室的立面板均由网孔板构成;所述壳体壁体上的若干开口经回风管连接到冷却干燥装置中,冷却干燥装置经出风管连接到进风腔的底部,进风腔的底部还经加氧风管连接有加氧风机。在上述现有技术中,存在如下问题:1、一般来说进入红茶发酵塔发酵的同一批茶叶的叶型大小会不同,老嫩程度也有所差别,将它们放在同一发酵室内发酵会 ...