The invention relates to a fume Bib pedestal device, which is used in the stage of paging and pedestal in the growing period of a tobacco plant, including a bib seat, a handheld rod, a bib clip and a bib handle. The bib seat is an arc groove seat with a notched opening at the front end. The handheld rod is fixed on the bib seat on the side of the gap, and the bib is sandwiched in the groove of the circular arc Bib seat. The front end of the left Bib Clip and the right Bib Clip is attached to the front end gap of the bib seat and the rear end connected with the handle of the bib. The handle of the bib is fixed on the handheld rod through the pin shaft, and the rear end of the left Bib Clip and the right Bib Clip is set with an elastic spring spring, and the bib seat is vertical to the top of the two planes. It can protect the tobacco leaf from the tobacco leaves and hands in the process of breaking the film and the earth. At the same time, it avoids the direct contact with the tobacco leaves, reduces the infection of the tobacco leaves at the bottom, and protects the healthy growth of the tobacco leaves without injury.
烟叶从分化形成到衰老成熟,是一个连续的、渐变的过程,其整个生长发育过程,一般分为以下五个时期;1、幼叶生长期:幼叶分化出现后10~15天之内称为幼叶生长期。此时叶组织细胞旺盛分裂,细胞数目迅速增加,烟叶的组织结构基本分化完备。从总体上看,叶面积和重量增长很慢,茎叶角度很小,叶片近直立状,各龄小叶互相包蔽,茸毛密布,呈嫩绿色。2、旺盛生长期:幼叶经过10~15天的生长发育之后,叶细胞数目接近最多,此时进入生长旺盛时期。这一时期,叶内代谢活动旺盛,细胞不断分裂和伸长扩大,叶面积快速增加,生长速度加快,叶片光合作用所产生的有机物质大部分用于促进叶片生长,仅有少部分在叶片中积累下来;因此,此时期的烟叶叶片薄,细胞排列紧密,含水量高,碳水化合物少,蛋白质含量高,叶色深绿。3、生理成熟期:叶片通过旺盛生长,叶面积基本定型,生长由缓慢逐渐到停止,叶片进行光合作用所形成的有机物质,逐渐在叶内贮存起来,贮存的速度比呼吸消耗的速度大,内含物质逐渐增多,体积和重量达到最大,叶内干物质积累达到最高峰;同时,叶绿素开始分解降低,叶色呈现黄绿色,此时称为生理成熟。4、工艺成熟期:烟叶在生理成熟后,叶片的合成能力迅速减弱,分解能力更加增强,叶绿素很快减少,淀粉、蛋白质含量也随之下降,产生一定量的生理消耗,烟叶成熟特征明显表现出来,通常称为适熟期。外观上颜色由绿转黄,组织逐渐变得疏松,叶内化学成分趋于协调。5、过熟期:工艺成熟的烟叶,如不及时采收,就转向过熟。这一时 ...