The invention relates to a high-rise building escaping device, which belongs to the technical field of escaping devices. The device is to set a column between the top of a high building and the ground. When the escape device is needed, the escape device is opened through a hinge, installed on the column, and the escape device is fixed by the pin to make it not open, the seat belt is fixed on the body, and the grip is clenches on the pedal to slide the escape device through gravity. During the gliding process, the brake control device is used to control the braking device to control the gliding speed and reach the ground safely. When it is used, only the device is installed on the column, and the operation is simple. Through the grip of the left and right sides and the brake control device, the falling speed can be controlled artificially, and the casualties can not be caused by the fast falling. When the fire occurs, many people use the escape device at the same time to escape, and improve the speed of escape. Ming also set up a seat belt, to ensure that the escape device in the use process, the staff will not fall in the process of escape, improve the efficiency of escape.
在城市灾害事故中,火灾是一种发生频率高、涉及面广、破坏性大、反响强烈的突发性灾害。由于火灾成因的多样化和复杂化,遇险逃生问题越来越受到人们的重视。救生缓降器的出现,成功的解决了高楼遇险逃生这一难题。该产品具有安全系数大、设置时间短、疏散人员快、结构简单轻便等优点,因而被广泛应用于宾馆、学校等高层建筑内发生火灾或其它紧急灾情事故时被困人员的自助救生,是高层建筑和公共场所必备的用于避难和自助救生的安全设施。高层建筑作为一个现代化城市经济与文化的载体,在社会发展过程中起到了举足轻重的作用,而这也直接形成了建筑群密集、人口高度集中的现状。一旦发生突发灾害,往往会导致严重的伤亡。对于高层建筑,其高度直接影响到垂直疏散距离,人口密度也影响到逃生疏散的速度。在逃生疏散过程中,完全可说时间就是生命,落后一分一秒都有可能让处于灾难中的人们丧命。高层建筑逃生疏散时间受多方面因素的影响,比如建筑物的内部结构与抗灾能力;受灾人员逃生素质、能力;逃生疏散设施、设备的配备等等。当火灾发生时,高层建筑内部使用各种木材、纤维、高分子材料装饰、装修,导致火灾载荷大大增加;各种通道、井道引起烟回效应,加速火灾蔓延速度,迄都会增加火灾发生的可能性,增大火灾发生的危害性,减少人员疏散可用安全疏散时间。高层建筑内部居住人员包括男女老少、伤残病孕,人员结构非常复杂,而逃生疏散过程中人员的性别、年龄、移动能力、生理、私理、受教育程度和环境的熟悉度等等,这些因素都会对逃生方式的选择、逃生疏散的速度产生很大的影响。我国处于 ...