The utility model relates to a low and low temperature economizer inlet and outlet size collection box for the boiler of a power plant, including the import large collection box, several imported small collection boxes, several export small collection boxes and export large collection boxes. The import large collection box is connected with the low temperature economizer water supply pipe; the export large collection box and the low temperature economizer return water Each inlet small collection box is connected with the import of each module of low and low temperature economizer; each small collection box is connected with the export of each module of low and low temperature economizer; the import large collection box is connected with each imported small collection box, the export large collection box and each export small collection box are connected through the connecting pipe. A cut-off valve is also provided on the connecting pipe. It has the advantages of simple structure, reasonable design, reliable and stable operation, low cost of production and maintenance, convenient installation, and can ensure the uniformity of water quantity of each low and low temperature economizer. It is beneficial to make full use of the heat loss of boiler exhaust and also take into account the advantages of high automation.
众所周知,发电厂燃煤锅炉在运行中排烟热损失不仅是一个非常突出的热损失,还对大气环境造成了严重的污染。其中,对于排烟热损失,经过粗略计算可知,其约占锅炉总的热损失60-70%,在我国大多的火力发电厂运行排烟温度常常高于设计值。为了减少排烟损失,降低排烟温度,提高发电厂的热回收利用效率,目前常常采用低低温省煤器对排放的高温烟气进行余热回收再利用。低低温省煤器作为大中型电厂锅炉空预器出口烟道上的换热设备,它的主要表现在:(1)降低锅炉排烟温度,提高锅炉效率,节省燃料;(2)回收烟气热量,加热凝结水;(3)优化烟气温度,提高除尘效率;(4)减少脱硫喷水;(5)降低风机电流。对于我国燃煤机组而言,低低温省煤器主要有三种布置方式:一是布置在空预器后除尘器前;二是布置在引风机后脱硫装置前;三是分两级布置,第一级布置在空预器后除尘器前,第二级布置在引风机后脱硫装置前。上述三种布设方式各有优缺,优点不再赘述,缺点主要表现在:第一种方式尾部烟道存在烟气酸露点腐蚀的影响,第二种方式离主厂房相对稍远,用于回收热量的凝结水管和吹灰的水管稍长,相关水泵需克服的管道阻力也略高;第三种方式的体积较大,给布置带来一定的困难。目前常规省煤器采用进、出口大集箱的结构形式。若低低温省煤器按常规省煤器结构设计现场工作量较大,不容易保证焊接质量,同时系统结构复杂,管路阻力及烟阻也相对较大。因此,针对这种缺陷,提出一种能够减少现场工作量并克服 ...