The invention provides an electromagnetic valve with controllable flow, which belongs to the technical field of controlling valves. A flow controlled electromagnetic valve includes a temporary cavity arranged on the outlet of the valve body, and a metering chamber arranged on the side of the valve body on the side of the temporary cavity, and a back position spring is arranged between the temporary cavity and the metering chamber, and a liquid position sensor is arranged on the top of the metering chamber. The return spring is broken when the storage liquid is full in the temporary cavity, the consistency of the liquid when the return spring is broken and the flow after the burst is realized, the stability and the uniformity are higher, thus ensuring the accuracy of the detection of the liquid flow, and at the same time, the measurement chamber with the liquid level sensor is set up to realize the real-time detection of the flow. It is more conducive to achieve the control of liquid flow, thereby promoting the development of the solenoid valve industry.
针对现有技术中存在的上述问题,现旨在提供一种流量可控的电磁阀,以在传统电磁阀的出口设置一临时腔,同时,在临时腔背离出口的一侧设置一计量腔,计量腔呈圆柱设置,并在计量腔的顶部设置液位感应器,在电磁阀开启和关闭的过程中,首先是对临时腔进行填充,再通过临时腔的管道流入到计量腔中,通过液位感应器动态检测液位变化,实现对流量的控制,从而实现了对电磁阀流量的可控,结构简单,使用方便,避免了因阀门开启和关闭过程中会出现流通截面大小变化而影响流量计算的问题。具体技术方案如下:一种流量可控的电磁阀,具有这样的特征,包括:阀门本体、临时腔以及计量腔,阀门本体包括进口和和出口,并且在进口和出口之间设置有阀体,阀体通过阀杆连接在外部的电磁结构上,同时,在阀门本体的出口连接有一临时腔,临时腔背离阀门本体的一侧设置有计量腔,并且临时腔和计量腔之间设置有回位弹片,计量腔内设置有液位感应器。上述的一种流量可控的电磁阀,其中,临时腔呈圆锥形设置,且临时腔的大端与阀门本体连接。上述的一种流量可控的电磁阀,其中,回位弹片设置于临时腔的小端处,且回位弹片为圆形弹片。上述的一种流量可控 ...