The utility model relates to the field of graphene technology, in particular to a graphite material grinding and mixing equipment, which includes a grinding disc, a stirring tank, a material storage tank and a controller. The grinding disc includes a first drive motor, a grinding head and a tray. The first drive motor is connected with a grinding head, and the upper upside of the mixing tank is installed with a second drive. The rotating shaft of the second drive motor is connected with a mixing oar, the first drive motor and the second drive motor are all connected with the controller, and the tray interconnects with the inner of the mixing tank through the first connecting channel, and the mixing tank passes through the second connecting material channel to the material storage tank. The utility model has beneficial effects: the grinding disc of the utility model comprises a first driving motor, a grinding head and a tray. The impeller includes a number of blades, the blade is distributed on different heights, the impeller is covered with a number of blades, the blade is distributed at different heights, the front face of the shell is arranged with a liquid crystal display panel, and the structure is simple. Single, safe and reliable.
石墨烯具有完美的二维晶体结构,它的晶格是由六个碳原子围成的六边形,厚度为一个原子层。碳原子之间由σ键连接,结合方式为sp2杂化,这些σ键赋予了石墨烯极其优异的力学性质和结构刚性。石墨烯的硬度比最好的钢铁强100倍,甚至还要超过钻石。在石墨烯中,每个碳原子都有一个未成键的p电子,这些p电子可以在晶体中自由移动,且运动速度高达光速的1/300,赋予了石墨烯良好的导电性。石墨烯是新一代的透明导电材料,在可见光区,四层石墨烯的透过率与传统的ITO薄膜相当,在其它波段,四层石墨烯的透过率远远高于ITO薄膜。需要补充的是,从严格意义上说,石墨烯是一种单层的片状;不过由于单层石墨烯的制备难度,一般也把具有相近性能的寡层石墨烯也归类于石墨烯的范畴内。目前已有氧化插层再还原法实现了批量生产石墨烯,但是由于氧化过程中石墨烯的结构遭到破坏,难以得到高质量的石墨烯产品。而且,其是先用强氧化剂浓硫酸、浓硝酸、高锰酸钾等将石墨氧化成氧化石墨,氧化过程即在石墨层间穿插一些含氧官能团,从而加大了石墨层间距,然后再用强还原剂水合肼、硼氢化钠等将氧化石墨烯还原成石墨烯。会产生大量的废水、废酸,对环境造成严重污染,限制了石墨烯的产业化发展。相比于效率低、不适合于工业化批量生产的化学生长法,物理剥离法主要是采用低廉的石墨为原料,通过对石墨晶体施加机械力使石墨层间发生剥离,打破石墨层间的范德华力,形成单片石墨烯或寡层石墨烯,这种物理剥离方法更具有工业化前景和适合规模化生产。为了使石墨层间发生剥离,物理剥 ...