The utility model discloses a crawler type climbing bar box, which includes the main body of a pull rod box. One side of the main body of the pull rod box is provided with a telescopic pull rod, and a universal wheel is installed at the bottom. The main side of the drawing box is arranged with a rectangular installation groove along the length direction of the rod box, and the inner walls of the rectangular installation grooves are both installed with a fixed rod. A perforated mounting hole is arranged at both ends of the fixed rod, and the fixed rod is fixed on the side wall of the rectangular installation slot through the locking screw through the mounting hole, and a support roll is arranged at the same distance between the two groups of fixed rods, and the supporting roller is arranged in a ring with a thin track on the supporting roller. When the utility model passes the stairs or steps, the user can tilt one side of a thin crawler to fall on the staircase, make the thin crawler roll and facilitate the movement of the pull rod box on the steps, so that the rod box is more labor-saving and fast moving on the stairs or steps to save the user's physical strength and provide the user good. Good use of the experience.
拉杆箱指具有拉杆和滚轮的行李箱。因其使用方便,携带衣物等成为旅行,出门而受到广泛使用。同时,拉杆箱也因箱子置一拉杆,有单管拉杆及双管拉杆之分,拉杆的管亦有方管和圆管之分,以方便行走时拖着,大大减轻负担。拉杆箱可以手提也可以拖动,我们平时所用的拉杆箱的轮子基本都位于箱子底部。据2004年保守统计,中国箱包的市场容量达140亿,并且每年有巨大的增长潜力。2005年中国旅游达12.12亿人次,出境旅游达3102.63万人次。到2020年,中国海外旅游将超过21000万人次,中国旅游将达到29亿人次以上。庞大的数字带来的是国内消费者与日俱增的拉杆箱需求,大容量的中国拉杆箱业将面临巨大的增长潜力。与拉杆箱的“大市场、高增长”形成鲜明对比的是国内拉杆箱业的品牌打造不尽如人意。美国最大的旅行箱包品牌――新秀丽(Samsonite),占据美国旅行箱包市场的30%左右的市场份额,新秀丽(Samsonite)拉杆箱在消费者头脑中牢牢占据了“商务拉杆箱”的地位。新秀丽(Samsonite)是拉杆箱行业中一个真正全球化运作的跨国企业,在全球市场,“商务拉杆箱”成为了新秀丽(Samsonite)的代名词。美国拉杆箱市场是一个相对比较成熟和良性发展的市场。各品牌根据消费需求和竞争态势,制定了比较清晰有效的品牌区隔,在消费者头脑中占据了有价值的位置,形成了市场细分。毫无疑问,美国拉杆箱各品牌清晰有效的品牌区隔是中国拉杆箱企业学习的楷模和榜样。然而现有的拉杆箱大多在底部设置万向轮,便于人们在平地上更省力的使 ...