The invention discloses a material comminution and grinding device, including a machine shell. The interior of the machine shell is provided with a crushing chamber and a grinding room. The first motor is installed above the crushing chamber. The output terminal of the first motor is connected with a stirring rod, and the outside of the mixing rod is fixed with a stirring blade. The blade is provided with a cutting machine between the mixing leaves. The cutting mechanism is installed on the outside of the stirring rod, and the bottom end of the stirring rod is fixedly connected with a spiral rod, and the nails are connected on both sides of the crushing chamber wall, and the opening grooves are both sides of the abrasive room. Under the drive of the driving device, the grinding roll and the grinding plate inside the grinding room make the crushed material be grind. Through the setting of the cylinder, the supporting plate can rise and fall, and the roller will rise and fall, and the distance between the grinding roll and the grinding plate is adjusted, thus the particle size in the grinding process is adjusted. Small, so that grinding can produce different diameter particles in production. One
粉碎机是将大尺寸的固体原料粉碎至要求尺寸的机械。粉碎机由粗碎、细碎、风力输送等装置组成,以高速撞击的形式达到粉碎机之目的。利用风能一次成粉,取消了传统的筛选程序。主要应用矿山,建材等多种行业中。根据被碎料或碎制料的尺寸可将粉碎机区分为粗碎机、粉碎机、超微粉碎机。在粉碎过程中施加于固体的外力有剪切、冲击、碾压、研磨四种。剪切主要用在粗碎以及粉碎作业,适用于有韧性或者有纤维的物料和大块料的破碎或粉碎作业;冲击主要用在粉碎作业中,适于脆性物料的粉碎;碾压主要用在高细度粉碎作业中,适于大多数性质的物料进行超微粉碎作业;研磨主要用于超微粉碎或超大型粉碎设备,适于粉碎作业后的进一步粉碎作业。磨具是用以磨削、研磨和抛光的工具。大部分的磨具是用磨料加上结合剂制成的人造磨具,也有用天然矿岩直接加工成的天然磨具。磨具除在机械制造和其他金属加工工业中被广泛采用外,还用于粮食加工、造纸工业和陶瓷、玻璃、石材、塑料、橡胶、木材等非金属材料的加工。磨具在使用过程中,当磨粒磨钝时,由于磨粒自身部分碎裂或结合剂断裂,磨粒从磨具上局部或完全脱落,而磨具工作面上的磨料不断出现新的切削刃口,或不断露出新的锋利磨粒,使磨具在一定时间内能保持切削性能。磨具的这种自锐性,是磨具与一般刀具相比突出的特点。早在新石器时代,人类就已经开始应用天然的磨石来加工石刀、石斧、骨器、角器和牙器等工具了;1872年,在美国出现了用天然磨料与粘土相结合烧成的陶瓷砂轮;1900年前后,人造磨料问世,采用人造磨料制造的各种磨具相 ...