The invention discloses a rice water-saving cultivation method, which comprises the following steps: (1) the straw is crushed to the straw and then chopped into the straw particle along the length direction of the straw, and the straw particles are mixed in the turned soil. (2) the rice seeds are loaded into the wet sack, and the rice grass is wetted to the rice straw and then filled into the wet sack. Wet straw, when the rice sprouts are exposed, open the wet sack; step (3) to transplant rice seedlings in the paddy field; after transplanting the rice seedlings, the rice seedlings are divided into 3~5 layers and the straw section is spread in the paddy field. The straw segments in each layer are spread along one direction, the two adjacent two layers of straw are spread in different directions, the thickness of each layer is 0.5 ~ 1cm, and the water layer depth is 2 after the stover section. (3cm); (4) 30 days after transplanting, the depth of the water in the paddy field is 6 to 8cm; and (5) fertilization is applied to the rice field per mu. The invention improves the paddy field with straw and improves the water storage capacity of the paddy field so as to achieve the goal of water saving. One
本专利技术的一个目的是解决至少上述问题,并提供至少后面将说明的优点。本专利技术还有一个目的是提供一种水稻节水栽培方法,包括:步骤(1)将秸秆碾压至秸秆破开,再沿着秸秆的长度方向切碎成秸秆颗粒,秸秆颗粒的长度为3~5cm;将稻田内的土壤向下翻起40~50cm,在翻起的土内混入秸秆颗粒,秸秆颗粒和土的质量比为1:10~15;将秸秆和土搅拌均匀后,平铺在稻田内作为稻田的上层;向稻田内浇水,并且水要浇透;向稻田每亩施第一份肥料80~100kg,第一份肥料由按以下重量份数计的组分组成:硝酸铵20~25份,尿素3~7份,硫酸钾17~19份以及猪粪300~350份;步骤(2)将水稻种子装入湿麻袋中,向稻草淋水使稻草湿润,再向湿麻袋内填入湿稻草,待稻芽露出后打开湿麻袋,将湿稻草摊开,种子混在湿稻草中,放置在自然条件下1~2天;培育种子,待秧苗长高至10cm时移植插秧;步骤(3)在稻田内插秧,行距为20~25cm,穴距为20~25cm,每穴插7~9个秧苗;将秸秆切割成秸秆段,秸秆段的长度为20~30cm,插秧后分成3~5层在稻田内铺秸秆段,从而形成保水层,在每一层秸秆段沿着一个方向铺,相邻两层之间秸秆段沿 ...